The next Command & Conquer game


In Cryo Sleep
oh yeah, i'm definitely looking forward to this :D
the C&C story was so much better than the red alert one, silly Yuri, clones psychics, and whatnot.


In Cryo Sleep
Good find, Im possibly CnC's biggest fan. If this ever gets released, Im gonna have to buy a new PC for this game alone. When I say 'ever gets released', I do mean it tho. Its been on-off for ages, and it was officially announced to be packed in at one point. Very glad to see this, though. Ive been following it for a while.


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah i saw that a week ago bah i rock you i found it before you did :) im the biggest C&C fan :P /Me wants Joe Kucan as KANE


In Cryo Sleep
I love the way the title says EA LA's biggest hit, we all know thats bullshit, infact as soon as EA took over we got red alert 2, and we all know what that was about (Teh P4ntZ!)

I remeber playing RA when i was like 10, i never played C&C 1, but i heard that was good too. after i saw what RA2 had to offer me, i decided to shoot the sick pony.

C&C multiplayer tactics...
1. Blow up the harvester
2. Built a massive army of tanks and click on enemy base

Im DOWs Bishie now :D the close combat abilities gives it an extra edge.

That and Dreddys rock!


Well-Known Member
Same engine as Generals & Zero Hour was, but its modified a little.

So we could be seeing the return of poor pathfinding and poor netcode, but lets hope not ;)


In Cryo Sleep
I'm looking forward to this game as much as anyone, but i have my reservations too. The original Westwood team that made C&C and was responsible for the wonderful atmosphere of the game have all been relocated to other projects (The Sims is one of them), whether the current team will be able to match their predecessor's awesome work is still to be seen.

Also, the engine may be the same, but it can still have been improved, just like the game looks a whole lot better than Generals/ZH.
Generals is a bit of an oddball anyway, it's got the name of Command & Conquer, but takes place outside of the regular C&C universe. It's not a bad game by any means, the contrary, but shouldn't it just have been called Red Alert 3?


Well-Known Member
Thats what i just said, it was modified a little, and the the team that made the "good ol'" C&C games was booted after EA bought out westwood, and also you may now notice westwood stopped being in C&C titles after RA2, this is where they completly took over and hence ruined the reputation of C&C with the poorly thought out, Generals...


In Cryo Sleep
Some new information on CnC 3 here at IGNPC.

For a quick summary:

*The new sidebar will combine form and functionality.
*There will be some form of naval units.
*The GDI Mammoth Tank will start without missile packs. They will be an upgrade instead.
*Units will have several upgrade options (for example you'll be able to upgrade the Mammoth's regular cannons to rail guns.)
*Like past C&C games choosing which missions you play will affect what happens further down the line.
*The AI will improve and be more adaptive to your style of play.
*And of course as mentioned they'll make them explosions real pretty like.

Sounds like its shaping up nicely. And those screenshots are really cool...


c&c3 does look very nice indeed, nothing will ever matcg the magic of the originals tho, alone in the snowy battlefield moving your infantry against rabid german guard dogs and flamer turrets, fighting against the insane russians and their experimental weapons and nuclear was just...teh! also those little timed missions where you go inside the bases they were pretty intresting too,

my faves are(in no particular order)

c&c red alert (ra2 was teh sux)
tiberian sun
and the original


In Cryo Sleep
Maybe we can actually make something of this game as far as the community is concerned. I mean, pretty much everyone seems to play it or have played it. Its also a superb series with good team elements and plenty of opportunity to flex some tactical brainpower, and for PCs to flex some graphical muscle. Apart from that, the servers are run on local machines so we dont need a server of our own.