The nintendo Revolution is officially named...


In Cryo Sleep
Silly Nintendo.

For all their gaming and hardware innovation they don't half make it hard for themselves.

Mind you the logo looks pretty sweet.


Well, in Japanese it probably means something good. It's just a shame that the way we pronounce things (the ii giving the sound of e) differently to the way they do. I personally think it will be renamed again...


Junior Administrator
"I'm going to go play with my Wii now..."

"My Wii is purple!"

"Hey, let's go back to my place and play with my Wii..."

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Or, if people don't like it, they might make it sound like "why"...

"Wii did they bother...?"


Junior Administrator

[mod]Mischeiveious ninja edit by DeZmond saves the day. My apologies for thinking you were elDiablo. It must be the scent of fresh plastic from my new notebook case... woo look at that pink elephant! -A (slightly woozy) DeZ[/mod]


In Cryo Sleep
Oh well, it was nice knowing nintendo, i have a feeling they're gonna go the same way as the dodo and sega :( and this Wii business aint helping them


Junior Administrator
MadGinga said:
Oh well, it was nice knowing nintendo, i have a feeling they're gonna go the same way as the dodo and sega :( and this Wii business aint helping them

well i'll be doing my best to help them by getting one...


In Cryo Sleep
me too (if i have the funds after purchasing a 360, a ps3, and an alienware PC :S god i need a proper job :( ) i have many a fond memory of the good ol days when nintendo ruled the roost of console gaming


Staff member
Allow me to play the other side of this. I think they're on the right track.

The logic behind the name is sound (portability between different languages, emphasizing group play, etc. Not going into that cause it's covered in many of the stories.)

It isn't the name of a console so much as it is the name of a pop-culture staple. It's like the iPod: a rather stupid name, but it really does fit. Based on the pictures I've seen, the looks are right in line with the name. They're trying to create the iPod of the console world, and I think they might just pull it off.

Remember, they took all kinds of shit from gamers everywhere after revealing the controller. The controller looked stupid at first, and people couldn't get around that. But now? People are excited about it.

It'll just take some time. You'll come around.


In Cryo Sleep
If Nintendo get their pricing right they will do well. The Wii will be everyones second console.

Get the PS3 / X-Box 360 and buy the Wii for the multiplayer games.


In Cryo Sleep
elDiablo said:
Well, in Japanese it probably means something good.

In fact there is no 'Wee' sound in Japanese so they can't even pronounce it. 'Ee' on the other hand means good, literally, in Japanese.
(Or so I've heard)


In Cryo Sleep
i actually disagree with you there mr bambi, from what ive seen the xbox360 is playing the right willy at the moment, crashing and so forth, and ps3 is being a bum not having a universal online identity (nintendo has a system where you just need one name for every game :D)

i fully support nintendo, because smash bros 3 is gonna rock some serious kaz bar!

urban dictionary quote - "Well when nintendo showed us its wii, we were sceptical, but now theres wii in everyones homes, people just cant get enough wii!"


In Cryo Sleep
it dosent mean anything as such but it stands for we/us together and th ii is the design got the controllers!!

i think its genius


I agree.

don't ever nock nintendo, they're the only sect out there that WANTS GAMES TO BE ENJOYABLE!!!
Every year its the same old shit now: Sony gives the ps2 a bunch of crappy EA cash-ins and yearly sports titles (serisouly, 2004 was the last time I had proper hope for the industry). THere may be too many novlety games on the cube, but at least nintendo dont try to kid themselves - they make games consoles FOR GAMES, FOR PLAYABILTY - they dont waste time trying to be a PC like the XBox, or regurgitating the same anime-laced shit for sales like the PS2 - if they fail, they try something else, innovate until they hit the right spot - whats not to respect about that?

I think of all the new Gen consoles, wii is probably going to be the most enjoyable - the idea of a console is that its a didecated unit that only plays games, as a form of entertainment, its not a PC - you want a PC, you use a PC, when will the game companies learn?


In Cryo Sleep
I would semi agree with that. Id agree with the idea that Nintendo are genuinely out there for the gamers. I like how they try and push into new boundaries, where other companies would rather go for tried and tested methods. HOWEVER, I strongly disagree about the PS2, and the Xbox to some extent. There is absolutely no denying that the Playstation has had its fair share of super games. Im talking Grand Theft Auto, Gran Turismo, Timesplitters amongst others. Those games are just as fun a any others to play, so dont let any anti-Sony bias get in the way. The same goes for EA games. Battlefield 2? Tiger Woods? CnC Generals? LotR:BfME? All published by EA, and all thoroughly enjoyable.

Anime-laced shit? I might agree with you there, but I think that a large niche exists for players who enjoy stylistic and slick games with abstract animation and gameplay elements. However, if you include Chrono Cross and the Final Fantasy games in this broad genre, you are talking out your backside.


Staff member
Tetsuo_Shima said:
Battlefield 2? Tiger Woods? CnC Generals? LotR:BfME? All published by EA, and all thoroughly enjoyable.
How many of those were fun on the PS2?


In Cryo Sleep
That was EA games I was backing up at that point. And in answer to your question ... the only two of those that were released on PS2 (Tiger Woods, Battlefield 2 MC) were pretty fun.


In Cryo Sleep
well personally i think the 360 is btr which is y i happen 2 b gettin 1 *decky walks off whistling*