The Secret World


In Cryo Sleep
Some of you might have heard about this MMO made by funcom, who also made age fo conan. For those of you who haven't, here's a quick introduction.

TSW is set in the near future, where something very occult has happened and several secret societies are trying to affect the future of the world. The game is heavily inspired by folklore, myth etc, and there will probably be lovecraftian elements as well. If you answer this simple set of questions, you've got a chance to earn a beta key:

If you do take this test, please let me know what society you belong to.


Well-Known Member
meh, funcom, conan.. I don't think I'd give them another try tbh, the game was released two years too early and the customers were paying for development and bug fixes rather than additions.

I tried it again several months after launch and still found it clunky and stuff.

NCSoft are good though (GW and an old gem called shattered galaxy I used to be hooked on), which is why I'm shortly trying Aion.


Staff member
NCSoft are good though (GW and an old gem called shattered galaxy I used to be hooked on), which is why I'm shortly trying Aion.
NCSoft botched Auto Assault much the same way Funcom botched Conan, so :p

Do let us know how Aion is though...


Hmm this game has the potential to be very interesting.

I'm apparetly a Dragon too Trax :)!


Junior Administrator
Well I just did the test again and this time I cam up as an Illuminati.
Not sure what answer I changed while awake today compared to half asleep yesterday, but did it again and apparently and defo an Illuminati.

Oddly I still want to kill Trax. Perhaps that has nothing to do with the game. I'd take a pop at him in eve but the tengu would tear me to pieces. This does look interesting though.


Active Member
Haha, I did the test, but have NO idea what the game is supposed to be like... Genre, mechanics, nothing :) Well, I suppose MMORPG, but some unique traits of the game would be nice to know. Once I get my pc online again (cell right now) I´ll take a look into it.


In Cryo Sleep
For a bit of inspiration, check the trailers at (Click the photos to play the trailers.) If you click on the 'forum' button there, you'll be taken to the official forums, which should have the info you're looking for.