TheHavenNet LAN 2010


Active Member
*sigh* I wish I was there too. Anyway, this mix-n-match aproach seems like the best idea and I hope this works out and you guys have a blast :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Angelic, I think the VLAN idea is also one well worth pursuing and that (presumably) is something you could get involved in?


Junior Administrator
Well even with us LANning it up, could we not do the games on somewhere like prom so that people who aren't physically present could still join in?


Junior Administrator
Hazaa you like me you really like me.

My feeling is that call it a 3 day event with days either side for travel. So we get in and setup up the night before or even early day 1. Have a couple of essentially fun tournament style games set for specific times through day 1, we can also crack the xbox's out in the evening and perhaps get some console tournaments/fun things in there as well. Make day 1 a defo LAN day so this is where those in all categories are primarily LANing. So day 1 can end with a more LAN style meal so be that a takeaway pizza or chinese or other such at PC muncables. Day 2 a continuation of the LAN style for those that want it perhaps some games of Civ IV or slower longer games or even more silly less tournament style games. Day 2 is a mix day for those in the Hardcore LAN group you can LAN for day 2 keep getting your game on, but for the sociable you can use day 2 to start getting your meet on. Organise some walks avoid blaming it on the sunshine, try to keep away from the moonlight and if you must, blame it on the boogie.
Day 2 can end in a meet/LAN meal, thinking possibly a big ass BBQ. So no matter what we do that day we are all there and chilling with some beers and have a laugh cooking.
End of Day 2 would seem the time when games like munchkin would come out.
Maybe a bit of the werewolf game.
Day 3 then becomes a primarily meet day We do stuff a little more organised in a larger group we play giant beach volleyball, perhaps some naked jelly wrestling and perhaps even some sandwiches for lunch.
Then we end Day 3 with a meal out similar to what we did at i37 at the harvester.

What do people think?


Active Member
bob's idea gets my vote, along with the votes of both my cats, my three imps, eight hawgs, and plethora of stuffed animals!


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

Gah! Things like this make me wish I had my own plane...!



In Cryo Sleep
Combo deal sounds good to me. I remind those who suggest it that naked jelly wresting will have haven quivering in anticipation :D


Active Member
*ka-bump* Any ideas as to when we'd have this super-special-awesome event and who'd be able to come?


In Cryo Sleep
Me and Teh Birdy would most likely be up for it. Were usually up for anything (Look into that how you will).

Ronin Storm

Staff member

I've come to the conclusion this is all a good idea and that there's good support for it. I was letting it fallow for a couple of weeks while I sorted some other stuff out. Then I was going to make a Social Group/Forum for discussing all the options and practicalities.

Dates and such would come out of that. I believe it would be in the second half of 2010, though, at a guess.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
To aid in organising, I've created a social group for THN LAN 2010 with its own attached forum so that we're free to discuss without flooding the main forum with many posts and also to keep some coherence. The group is open access for the moment. I might change my mind about that after I've seen how well / not well that works.


In Cryo Sleep
I was doing a bit of searching and started thinking about in 2007 when we sort of tried to organise a THN meet, it never happened well not to my knowledge. I've kind of been away for awhile not following up on THN just regularly making an appearance now and again ( followed by a random word in the shoutbox) and i missed out on what sounds like an awsome event. I'm gutted I zoned out from THN for this period :(

Anyway back to my point... has anything been decided on a THN meet since this thread died out? i've always wanted to join in with a big get together so I would love to be kept posted on this.


Junior Administrator
A good opportunity to meet some fellow THNers is at the i-series LAN events that some of us frequent - I don't think there's many of us going to the upcoming Easter event, but it's likely that we'll pull a significant number of us together for the Summer event, which is scheduled to run over the Bank Holiday weekend (i.e. last weekend) in August.