I _hope_ this is a good idea.
Not mentioning the elitism/core/old pals thing Silk mentioned and I might suspect to some extent too, I felt like bitching about my own performance a little...but I'm willing to admit I may not work so well in a team with Zoogmeister than others, especially because this is not measurable and therefore very hazy and subjective. I wonder, however, what sort of a team would it be if we put together, say, not Zooggy and Midge, but me and Ting...you get the point, keep class balance, swap out individuals. Not to worry, though, I don't feel offended or anything, just a slight stab of my overgrown ego.
Well, all in all, good luck in there, guys, I hope this works out.
Also, while I'll be gone for a week from Monday, I'll try and organize another U10 group (or OS/Maly) for today and Sunday. I still haven't figured out how to post an event...
P.S.: One question, though, what Elincia asked: what happens if after three weeks you still haven't cleared the whole place? (Which I suspect will happen.)