I think your link may be broken mate
...maybe the answer should be re role shamen as then i can just get it down to 3 keys chain heal chain lighting and blood lust, think i got all the main keys of a shamen but sorry if i missed any,
I imagine he's either very bloody rich, got a steady income from parents or a job where all he needs to do is press a single button once every 24 hours...
It.... it's Ronin Storm?!?
(I kid, I kid... don't hurt me...)
That man is a legend. I love how easy our class is that everyone who multi-boxes does so with a shaman
Just for the record, Huung's rotation is 2,2,2,= (3x Lightning Bolt, 1x Chain Lightning)
Or if there's CCed things around, like trash, its generally just the "2" button ;P
well you missed a shambles real 3 keys chainheal chain lighting, hes a shaman he does not worry about cc and last and most important blood lust