This guy needs help. Seriously...


In Cryo Sleep
Chain heal? As ele? I could do, or I could just hit people with a wet sponge, its about as effective :p

Blood Lust however is a good point, although thats only every 10mins :eek:

I'd love a 5 man multibox team of bloodlusting shaman...

That would be great but Bloodlust now puts a debuff on you meaning you cant ghet it again for, I believe, another ten mintues.


Well-Known Member
That would be great but Bloodlust now puts a debuff on you meaning you cant ghet it again for, I believe, another ten mintues.

Yup, I believe you're right. Largely intended to stop mid-fight swaps of resto shaman into the melee DPS groups for Bloodlust whoring :p


In Cryo Sleep
lol, thats one crazy set up that guy's got there.. love the disclaimer at the bottom of the text too.. the guy that sent this has a wife and only has 5 accounts lol.