You have to understand that forms like that would only make the whole event way more complicated to plan and execute, and probably help in no way should something happen.
It's difficult enough to get an event like this off the ground, and minors would complicate things even more. You have to remember that if you have a run-in with the law, any run-in (routine stops included,) explaining the 15 year-old kids that aren't yours, and aren't related to you in any way, that are travelling with you is likely to cause some suspicion. And that's just one thing that could go wrong.
Yeah, it sucks, but you'll grow out of it.
It's difficult enough to get an event like this off the ground, and minors would complicate things even more. You have to remember that if you have a run-in with the law, any run-in (routine stops included,) explaining the 15 year-old kids that aren't yours, and aren't related to you in any way, that are travelling with you is likely to cause some suspicion. And that's just one thing that could go wrong.
Yeah, it sucks, but you'll grow out of it.