THN quotes II



A wild Gabe: me trousers fell down half way up the stairs :(

A wild Gabe being PsiSoldier if you didnt know.


Junior Administrator
MSN convo between me and Solemn, I was talking about someone who has recently joined us in our EVE goings-on.

thatbloke: oh
thatbloke: did I tell you about this guy that recently joined us in EVE
thatbloke: he's roleplaying EVE even on TS
thatbloke: which is fine
thatbloke: but his voice for it
thatbloke: is PERFECT
thatbloke: like
thatbloke: he came on TS
thatbloke: and was like
thatbloke: "Greetings everyone. Is this an acceptable level of volume?"
thatbloke: First thing one of the guys says
thatbloke: "Oh cool, a Vulcan"
thatbloke: (from star trek)
thatbloke: but srsly
thatbloke: HE IS
Solemn: LOL
Solemn: thats awesome
thatbloke: but he has this massively loud and deep voice
thatbloke: and in game
thatbloke: he's like
Solemn: ok
Solemn: can i just point out
Solemn: ... whats a vulcan?
thatbloke: you
thatbloke: FAIL
thatbloke: failfailfail
thatbloke: massively
Solemn: ive never watched startrek
thatbloke: ...
thatbloke: FAIL


Solemn fails! I never thought i would say that but she does. D:


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

To be fair, star trek does suck.

D, two things:

1) You were just ducked a point off your cool :(

2) Ok, fair enough, but, you still know about it, if for no other reason than to have that opinion :D



[Today 20:55] Nanor: I thoroughly enjoyed looking at a cock with my father



Junior Administrator
Steam convo 2 mins ago... I'm still laughing
Captain S04P: i have my penis in wasted now
[THN]thatbloke[Falcon]: o_O
Captain S04P: it wont come out

(wasted is one of the company directors in EVE)



Why was I not aware of this?.. Oh wait, soap has a tiny member, couldnt feel it :D

Captain S04P

<21:05:40> "[ABY-S] Wasted 2008": shh
<21:05:42> "[ABY-S] Wasted 2008": no aughing
<21:05:45> "[ABY-S] Wasted 2008": laughing*
<21:05:50> "[ABY-S] Wasted 2008": she staring at me
<21:06:03> "[ABY-S] Wasted 2008": whilst stomping around slamming doors
<21:07:28> "[ABY-S] Wasted 2008": she left room now
<21:07:34> "[ABY-S] Wasted 2008": but im afraid to talk
<21:08:05> "[ABY-S] Wasted 2008": like something out of a horror movie
<21:08:12> "[ABY-S] Wasted 2008": im not showering tonight



Active Member
The Gospel of Bacon (aka Slow Roasting Gombol)

[Today 10:10] Wol: meat!
[Today 10:19] thatbloke: Bacon is the meat of life
[Today 10:24] elDiablo: So's your face
[Today 10:30] Gombol: Ew
[Today 10:30] Gombol: Bacon.
[Today 10:34] Wol: mmmmmm bacon
[Today 10:36] Gombol: Bacon is nasty.
[Today 10:37] Wol: Gombol, go take your vagina elsewhere :p
[Today 10:39] Children Of The Damned: Hehe. Vagina.
[Today 10:49] Gombol: No you!
[Today 11:48] Ashya: Right...
[Today 11:49] Ashya: I'm sorry, Gombol, but we will have to take your
Man-card for the bacon remark.
[Today 11:51] Ashya: Please leave your penis at the door as you exit.
[Today 11:52] Gombol: I'm good.
*Gombol stays right here.*
[Today 11:53] Ashya: Fine. But we reserve the right to call you "Miss
Gombol" for the remainder of your stay.
[Today 11:54] Gombol: No.
[Today 11:54] Ashya: Excuse me, Miss Gombol? You said something? Go make me a sandwich.
[Today 11:54] Ashya: With bacon.
[Today 11:55] Gombol: No.
[Today 11:55] Ashya: Tsk...
[Today 11:55] Ashya: Eversince we gave women the vote, they think they
have the right to be stroppy.
[Today 11:55] Gombol: See that fire over there?
[Today 11:55] Gombol: Die in it.
[Today 11:56] Gombol: >: (
[Today 11:57] Ashya: Tut tut, Miss Gombol. That's not the language we
expect from a lady.
[Today 11:58] Gombol: Die.
[Today 11:58] Gombol: In.
[Today 11:58] Gombol: A
[Today 11:58] Gombol: Fire.
*Ashya wonders if he touched a nerve...*
*SwampFae high-five's Ash*
[Today 12:00] SwampFae: You are so evil, Ash. Loving it
*Gombol bites Fae.*
*SwampFae slap's Gombol*
[Today 12:00] SwampFae: Pff. Biting. What are you, four?
[Today 12:01] Gombol: Pfft. Just 'cause I'm not old.
[Today 12:01] Ashya: Miss Gombol is in denial. She doesn't want to
embrace Bacon as her savior
*Ashya shakes his head sadly*
[Today 12:02] Gombol: Seriously.
[Today 12:02] Gombol: Bacon is fucking discusting.
[Today 12:02] Gombol: Go away now.
[Today 12:02] SwampFae: To achieve true enlightenment, one must embrace
the bacon*nods sagely*
[Today 12:03] Ashya: We must all embrace the Holy Trinity; Steak, Lamb
and the Holy Bacon.
[Today 12:03] Gombol: Ew. Ew. and Ew.
[Today 12:04] Ashya: Does not Jeebus himself say; "Eat from me, for I
arth thou nourishment and source of Cardiac Arrest"?
[Today 12:04] Gombol: Wouldn't know. Wouldn't care. Not religous.
[Today 12:05] Ashya: Blasphemy!
[Today 12:05] SwampFae: Praise Jeebus in the name of the Steak, the lamb
and holy bacon. Atchoo
[Today 12:06] Ashya: Spareribs, hallowed by thy name. To be served with
Garlic Sauce, so we can expernience the honey-glazed bitter-sweetness of
Life! Aaaaaamen!
[Today 12:06] Gombol: Riiiight.
*Gombol leaves the crazy old people alone.*
[Today 12:06] Ashya: Can I get a Hamlelujah!?
[Today 12:07] SwampFae: Hamlelujah, brother!
[Today 12:07] Ashya: Hamlelujah, Sistah!
*Ashya splashes gravy around as if it was Holy Water*
*SwampFae beat's Gombol with Canadian bacon for calling her old.*
[Today 12:08] SwampFae: Frozen, none the less
*Gombol dodges and shouts "old woman!"*
*Gombol goes to play TF2.*


In Cryo Sleep
Re: The Gospel of Bacon (aka Slow Roasting Gombol)

And to follow up:
(top down)
[Today 14:45] Nanor: HAMLELULJAH
[Today 14:45] Nanor: Think I'll make myself a fry after reading that delightful quote
[Today 14:45] Nanor: And by make myself, I mean get Miss Gombol to make me one
[Today 14:45] Nanor: Unless she's off getting a Brazilian
