Junior Administrator
[THN].Traxata: kirby no likey BFBC2
[THN].Traxata: so I've stolen his dick
Seems perfectly reasonable to me
[THN].Traxata: so I've stolen his dick
Seems perfectly reasonable to me
[Today 15:16] elDiablo: I AM SAUSAGE
I love taking things out of context.
Solemn: i dont know much
thatbloke: oh
thatbloke: did I tell you about this guy that recently joined us in EVE
thatbloke: he's roleplaying EVE even on TS
thatbloke: which is fine
thatbloke: but his voice for it
thatbloke: is PERFECT
thatbloke: like
thatbloke: he came on TS
thatbloke: and was like
thatbloke: "Greetings everyone. Is this an acceptable level of volume?"
thatbloke: First thing one of the guys says
thatbloke: "Oh cool, a Vulcan"
thatbloke: (from star trek)
thatbloke: but srsly
thatbloke: HE IS
Solemn: LOL
Solemn: thats awesome
thatbloke: but he has this massively loud and deep voice
thatbloke: and in game
thatbloke: he's like
Solemn: ok
Solemn: can i just point out
Solemn: ... whats a vulcan?
thatbloke: you
thatbloke: FAIL
thatbloke: failfailfail
thatbloke: massively
Solemn: ive never watched startrek
thatbloke: ...
thatbloke: FAIL
To be fair, star trek does suck.
Solemn: im not above paying brides in beer
Captain S04P: i have my penis in wasted now
Captain S04P: it wont come out
By the way, the first thing of me going "Meat!" was linkned to: http://pleated-jeans.com/2010/07/12/the-periodic-table-of-meat-image/ - showing that bacon is the meat of life.