THN Status Update


Junior Administrator
This is a long post, so I'm going to put the tl;dr; at the top. If you are interested in the latest series of problems behind the scenes then I recommend reading on

tl;dr; said:
stuff moved;
stuff broke;
stuff apparently got fixed;
stuff didnt;
stuff got switched off;
stuff got fixed;
stuff is being stress tested;
stuff will be back online new and shiny asap;

So, I'm writing this post after the recent troubles with teamspeak, minecraft and the forums software to try and give people a bit of a view of what goes on behind the scenes as THN to keep the wheels turning (or in this case, fix the wheels and make them start turning again).

Our story begins back in summer last year. In order to save money the THN admins and community made the decision to remove our workhorse server from dedicated hosting in order to save costs and use a virtual server "destiny" instead. At this point it was also realised that Promethius could be hosted by members at home in order to give a better gaming capacity whilst saving on costs. Having the highest upload of THN volunteers I drove off to pick up prom from her datacentre near reading and bring her back to (not so) sunny Stevenage.

Performing open heart surgery on promethius revealed the north bridge fan to have been broken for some time. This not being an immediate issue (everything worked in the datacentre) I made the decision to connect prom to the network and worry about the fan if/when an issue occurred. It took a little while to get prom up and running again but between myself, Haven and Wol we managed to get the minecraft server happily hosted on promethius (A big thanks to luc once again for stopping the gap here)

Some time later the decision was made to move Teamspeak onto promethius. The teamspeak instance on Destiny was continually falling over (in a similar way to it is at the moment) and a move back to promethius seemed logical. In addition to this, in order to optimise minecraft backups we deployed Flashcache onto the server (technical: flashcache creates a ram cache in between the system and your target hard drive). During this transition there were some issues with DNS caching (some of you may remember) with peoples clients still trying to connect to destiny not promethius, due to lack of reproducibility these were tricky to track down and did all eventually resolve after DNS cache's expired.

Several software updates and a fast forward to just before Christmas and promethius started experiencing random crashes under high load. These were completely taking out the server including teamspeak and minecraft. Unable initially to resolve the crashes the initial decision was taken to move teamspeak back to destiny temporarily and then shortly after completely offline the minecraft server as well. It was decided that perhaps the northbridge fan could be at fault and two weeks ago this was obtained and fitted to promethius along with a shiny new SSD drive for certain services.

It's taken a long time to get confidence in promethius back and neither myself nor haven want to redeploy it actively before entirely sure that she is stable again. We have spent the last week running stress tests and have found several issues in the config which have resolved or removed (I'm looking at you flashcache!).

So where do we stand now...
I've been running a minecraft map render stress test on prom for the last 3 days and am pleased to report that after a few false starts prom now seems to be returning to stable. The SSD is functioning appropriately and having run at 200% cpu utilisation since 7am this morning we appear to have solved any memory and overheating problems we had before!

Where do we go from here?
There's a few final config options to setup on minecraft before I fully declare the doors open, but I'm not closing the server, use at your own risk, we should be ok but don't come crying if we break anything for the next few days.

In addition to getting minecraft back up and running wol and I are working on getting THN Purple back up and running. There's been a pretty consistant TF2 contingent to THN in the last few weeks and we figured we should have our own server back to work with, so if you want to play, try searching THN in the server browser!

Yeah, we know, TS3 on destiny is broken...
We are doing something about it though! We know that the current TS3 install has an issue with permissions, so we're starting from scratch. At the same time we don't want to make the same mistakes we made last time so it's not going to be an instant fix. As of today (tonight?) haven and I are cleaning out the old TS3 install on promethius and will be letting thatbloke and luc start configuring the new TS3 permission structure. We've had a few thoughts on this in the past as a community but i'm sure bloke and luc will do a good job. Give em time and let em get on with it. Also I will say now that I wouldn't expect to end up with server admin just because you had it last time. We should end up with a permissions system that gives you what you need to do, without giving you all full control!

vBulletin & Shoutbox
Also, yeah, we know, blank posts :(
I'm going to say relatively quiet on this one suffice to say that the problems are caused by us upgrading PHP and Apache. vBulletin 3 is quite an old piece of software now and doesn't play ball with the newer versions of our caching and optimisation stuff. We have something in the pipe, it should happen relatively soon, but as I said I'll let someone else announce that unless I hear otherwise!

The main aim of this post is to let you know that we are taking action on the current spate of problems. We are definitely concerned with the current state of THN services and are working behind the scenes as quickly as possible to resolve this. There has been a huge amount of work gone in recently from myself, Haven, Wol and Ronin trying to keep the wheels on and build a replacement cart at the same time. Please bear with us, we all have jobs and personal lives, keep reporting stuff when it's broken and we will get stuff oiled out as soon as we can!

Yours in gaming


Ronin Storm

Staff member
[mod]Renamed thread THN Status Update as that seemed to reflect the fullness of scope.[/mod]

So, plans are underway. Rough game plan, without any ETAs because, as you all remember, this is entirely volunteer work:


thatbloke and Luc, with some assistance from Haven, are looking at a new build with permissions and structure that makes sense (tm). The very basics started yesterday evening but hopefully a little more by the end of the weekend.


I'll be acquiring vBulletin 4 this week with the aim to do a test build somewhere private next weekend. We'll look at user migration for convenience but it's quite possible that we'll not migrate posts and, instead, leave this forum in read-only mode as an archive for a bit. Not totally certain on either of those yet; more when we know more.

Games (TF2 / Terraria / Minecraft)

Work underway on both in their various different deployment scenarios. I understand that both hardware and software are being thrown at these to make them stable, accessible and performant.


I think that TS is being treated as the most important piece as failure is really pretty annoying. However, the forum losing posts irritates me a lot (and, as you can imagine, I lose a LOT of words when it kills one of mine) so that's on my personal kill list for as soon as I can realistically manage.

HUGE thanks to thatbloke, Luc, VibroAxe and Traxata for helping out, and to others who've been supporting and offering advice behind the scenes. You're all ace. (And Haven, of course, but he knows I love him. ;) )


In Cryo Sleep
To give a bit more detail on the bits I've been working on over the last coupla weeks

= Team Fortress 2 =
At the moment, this is up and running and seems to be stable, and seems to be able to count to 3! Replays currently are *enabled* but aren't working. Theres an issue with the webserver and cache config on prom which means that when tf2 tries to download the files, its given a corrupted file, whereas it works fine from Firefox, so hopefully this will appear soon.

We've managed to salvage the hlstatsx install which will be at, so am going to try and bash this into existance :) This should hopefully come up in the near future though.

= Minecraft =
The website and server should be fairly happy now. As for the plugins, we're pretty much there now. I've taken off the old minecraft overviewer maps, which used to run overnight, and now we have a more up to date dynmap:

These maps will render live whilst youre moving around the world. So if you place a block, within a relatively short period of time, itll show up on the map. This will be particularly handy when youre exploring new areas, that your player marker won't show up in void space until it renders overnight. You can select from all of the worlds on the right hand side, but some of them might not be fully rendered yet. Rendering takes a lot of time, so bear with us whilst we get these done. The list on the right hand side should be concatenated together at some point (e.g. survival nether will be the nether option of the survival world, rather than a separate entry altogether)

Dynmap also provides in game chat, so people who dont have the game can still talk with players in game using this interface. Let us know if you see any issues with dynmap, but it seems fairly stable.

The old minecraft server site is back up also at, and the stats are still available on there (, but have been reset as of a couple of days ago when we put the plugin back on. We did have some issues when Vibs had some power cuts, where we lost the stats files and they ended up corrupted, so these have been reset now.


In Cryo Sleep
We've managed to salvage the hlstatsx install which will be at, so am going to try and bash this into existance :) This should hopefully come up in the near future though.

Right, have given that a bash and, in theory this should now be working at there. I've just been running around with a few bots to test it out and it seems to be picking up the various events. Hopefully we'll get another tf2 night soon and give it a bit of a test out to see how well it goes.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
HUGE thanks to thatbloke, Luc, VibroAxe and Traxata for helping out, and to others who've been supporting and offering advice behind the scenes. You're all ace.

Damnit, make a list of people and you inevitably miss someone off. Also thanks to Wol!


In Cryo Sleep


Active Member
Great update, thanks.
And thanks to the whole admin team, too, cos you don't get enough ;)

Yeah, what he said. With a cherry on top. Because you guys only seem to get the flak, and not the appreciation.

I know that's the nature of volunteer-work; when everybody is happy they think that's the norm and don't give thanks and take it for granted. And when things go tits-up they start foaming at the mouth and ranting at the volunteers...

So raise your glass to the brave men and women who work so hard behind the scenes to keep us from losing our minds (or in Raz's case, his temper...)



Well-Known Member
So raise your glass to the brave men and women who work so hard behind the scenes to keep us from losing our minds (or in Raz's case, his temper...)


But yeah, what they said. Thanks for all the work you do, and looking forward to a new, improved, more stable and shinier THN soon :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Thanks everyone. Hang in there. Hopefully all back, stable and happy by end of February. Sooner if we can manage it.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
If all else fails, take teamspeak out the back, shoot it, and use mumble instead? :D

Tried that. Mumble hates me. It looks like a good system but it's a total git to configure. I might just be too out of practice on Linux sys admin stuff, though.


Staff member
Tried that. Mumble hates me. It looks like a good system but it's a total git to configure. I might just be too out of practice on Linux sys admin stuff, though.

I vaguely remember you were trying to install mumble (the client) when it should've been murmur (the server?)

Even if it's still a real bitch to set up/maintain, hosted mumble servers are cheaaaap. Multiplay will give you a 75 slot server for $10/month.

In conclusion, TS is a giant pile of shit and I would be totally happy with moving to mumble. :D


Active Member
TS is totally not a '*********' etc, it's all a matter of personal opinion when it comes to VOIP options... the various market leads are market leads for a reason.
Personally i like Mumble, i also like TS and hell i even like Skype! But i despise Ventrillo..


In Cryo Sleep
We could all just shout really loudly? May have to shout a bit louder for BiG D I'd imagine, but im sure we could try? :p


Junior Administrator
I like mumble as a solution, TS does the job well enough but for clarity of voice, be it codecs or whatever mumble beats it by miles.


Junior Administrator
I've tried mumble, never liked it myself. Always found I got better voice quality with TS

Also I hate Ventrilo.