THN Team Fortress 2 Server Online!


Junior Administrator
It's great you are doing all this KC, but why not ease the pressure on yourself and wait till the official release?

there's nothing wrong with getting the experience under your belt - and to be honest having the beta already downloaded/installed means a much smaller download/update when it is fully released :)


Active Member
And not to mention the fact that we will have our server known to many before the game is released, in the hope that it is recommended to more. It's no stress really, the game runs fine so far. Just a few strange bugs to weed out.


Guest the hope that it is recommended to more...

In that respect, if the server is always quite full, why not ask the powers that be if it's ok to set up another one? If promethius needs a work out, and the TF2 server is usually full of life, getting another server (or two?) set up would really get people interested.

Whenever I see BF2 servers (for example) that are #1, #2, etc., I fill that the admins must know what they are doing to be able to have more than one going. It also means you can have various rotations?

Just an idea. A musing, more than a serious request. A point of discussion, more than, well, you get the idea :D


Well-Known Member
I like elD's idea! We could have an FF on and an FF off server and people could choose their server accordingly whilst being brainwashed to join the THN way. :)


...We could have an FF on and an FF off server...

Actually, you couldn't :) FF was left in the beta by mistake. It wasn't intended to be released, as it's the only way to find Spies :D


Junior Administrator
FF is gay it blows chunks, FF in TF2 would be rubbish as I'd constantly be killing my own team thinking they are spys


Staff member
Yeah, damned if you actually have to find a spy from observing people's behaviour rather than just shooting everything that moves :/


Active Member
Sounds good! Early days though....I think if it does happen we could have a 2fort 24/7 server or something along with the #1 server that cycles through all the maps.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I'm perfectly content to allow us to run a second server. I can clone the existing files and ask KC to update the config. It could even be identical in every respect except port number and name.

Personally, I don't think the maps are detailed enough to warrant a 24x7 server on a single map but maybe I haven't gotten into it enough?

I can't do any of this 'til Friday, though.


Staff member
So, who is going to be playing TF2 with me all weekend?

And if you haven't bought it yet, why the hell not? :p


Junior Administrator
Mines being delivered via GAME, not Steam downloads ;) so err .. depends when it arrives in the post ? :D


Not all weekend, alas, but I should be around late evenings as all the THN lightweights are heading to bed. ;)

Pfffft, I'm such a heavy weight, that I've just re-synced my internal clock with the normal people's clock by playing even more than you!

And alas, I shall be making new PC this weekend. And with it's various Windows Updates, Visual Studio updates, Steam downloads and pre-loads, BF2, BF2142, PR downloads, Multiwinia downloads, iTunes downloads, and then copying over old documents from last PC, it won't be online for a while.

And while I'm installing it all, I'll be using the monitors to make sure it's working, so I can't use old PC. And I'll be XBoxing it up a lot :D


Will join you all after the initial official release. It makes me uneasy seeing my computer crash. Sticking to official releases of everything and avoiding beta versions, it's amazing how more stable your PC becomes.