Time Travel / The infinatly repeating reality


New Member
No you fools, it is, in theory, possible to travel forward in time, Einsteins E=Mc2 thing. You can't travel back in time though, so once your forward, your stuck.

Besides, to travel forward in time, you need to be going above the speed of light, which is impossible in todays world.


New Member
MoTo^ said:
i think there comes a point where we must accept we will never know the answer to some things, simply because our brains are not able to comprehend some matters.
for example is there an edge to the universe? what exactly does this mean? so if you stand at that edge and put your hand out will it go through? if it does then surely that edge is non-existent which kind of makes the idea pointless. if you cant go through what is stopping you? i dont think we will ever know...

Your right, we probably will never know...
Not because we don't have the capability of finding out, we just don't have the time. If what Fishy is saying is true and that everything in this life is pre-defined then the Human Race will be wiped out, just like the dinosaurs. So you could say we have a time limit, just like on Civ IV...

If, however, Fishy is wrong, we still won't have enough time because the Sun will blow up and expand, swallowing the Earth in it's heat, so we'll all die anyway...

Unless we find another galaxy with an inhabitable planet before then and some people colonise it...

Then we will end up beating the system put in place by God/Buddha/Allah/Mother Nature, meaning that we will all be smited anyway... So either way we all die... Now where did I put my drink?


Active Member
Can you explain what E=mc2 has to do with this? :)
And I'd like to say that people should admit that no one really knows what happens during time travel, and if it is even possible....
You're very good at being sure of your own points Taffy, but can you back them up with real evidence?


New Member
KC, it is just a theory!!! Scientists don't really know whats going to happen in the future, they just make theories with no real evidence to support them, so wh ythe hell should I? ;) Seriously though I don't know whats going to happen, nor does anyone else, just stabbing at answers in the dark really...


KC was questioning this
Taffy said:
No you fools, it is, in theory, possible to travel forward in time, Einsteins E=Mc2 thing.

He was asking what the theory of relativity had to do with Time Travel :p


In Cryo Sleep
KillCrazy said:
Can you explain what E=mc2 has to do with this? :)

theoretically, the faster you travel the more time you gain, ie you travel forward in time. this was shown to be true during Einsteins time where a stop watch was flown at high speed compaired to a stationary one and there was a few miliseconds difference between them. now to travel forward in time effectively youd need to go as fast as light, which as Taffy pointed out from E=mc2 will mean your weight will increase to infinity, which is impossible (the faster you travel the weightier you get)


In Cryo Sleep
oh and:

Taffy said:
Your right, we probably will never know...
Not because we don't have the capability of finding out, we just don't have the time.

no, there really ARE some things we will never comprehend, this has nothing to do with having the time to find out. for example, try explaining colours to a blind person who has never seen, do you think this is possible?
or more in context, try to imagine what it would be like if nothing existed, and i mean NOTHING. the closest youll probably ever get is just blackness, which isnt quite nothing...our brains just cannot conjure up what these things would be like


In Cryo Sleep
If you were sixteen and had a son, and then you flew at the speed of light to the nearest star and back again, your son would be older than you were on your return. How interesting.


Taffy said:
No you fools, it is, in theory, possible to travel forward in time, Einsteins E=Mc2 thing. You can't travel back in time though, so once your forward, your stuck.

Besides, to travel forward in time, you need to be going above the speed of light, which is impossible in todays world.

Traveling forward in time is easy. Just stand still :D, J/k if you travel near the speed of light your clock will go so slow that your effectively traveling forward in time cuz every one else ages to the "normal clock"

Also you don't really get heavier when traveling faster. If you say you gain more weight, you (generally) inmply more mass. But thats not true or else you would emit an enormous gravitational field when traveling near the speed of light. There is some way of looking at it so the formule doesn't increase the weight but somethnig else. But meh, 3 years ago :)


Active Member
You're just saying what I said in a previous post, I know they are all theories, and I'm saying that no one really knows the answers.


In Cryo Sleep
Blammo! said:
Also you don't really get heavier when traveling faster. If you say you gain more weight, you (generally) inmply more mass. But thats not true or else you would emit an enormous gravitational field when traveling near the speed of light. There is some way of looking at it so the formule doesn't increase the weight but somethnig else. But meh, 3 years ago :)

when i said weight i meant weight! not mass :)
(weight can change, mass cant)


meh I Don't like weight. Never ever use it in physics. Its always either force or mass for me :p.


Junior Administrator
MoTo^ said:
try explaining colours to a blind person who has never seen, do you think this is possible?

Of course there is a slightly obvious technical answer of talking about wavelengths of light (350nm<->700nm) and the fact that colour is simply the result of photon emission at a specific wavelength. But of course I know what you mean.

I should probably try and clarify at this point what we are all talking about, since it seems to have gotten sidetracked somewhat. The point is, that we will never understand everything, simply because there is too much to understand.
We are but ants lost in a vast field; we strive to learn of the leaves of grass that stand above us, but know not of the world beyond
(Me, 2005 :D)
That of course, should not mean that we should not attempt to learn all we can.

...and back on topic.

it is, in theory, possible to travel forward in time, Einsteins E=Mc2 thing
Never say that to a physist! :) I assume you are talking about the special theory of relativity rather than the amount of theoretical energy in a fixed mass. :p
Yes, according to the theory of Special Relativity, you can travel forward in time by going close to the speed of light, but... do you not do that already??? How do you define 'the future', and how do you define 'time'? What, to you, may seem like a long time, may to someone else seem like a very short time.
On a slightly related note, you can see this effect for yourself. A younger mind works faster than an older mind, and that is why a young child often gets bored quickly, and why those early days of school seemed to drag on forever... they really did, because your mind worked fast enough to be able to measure time.
An older mind, by contrast, is somewhat slower and also bogged down with extra information, for example stress incurred during a day. Time seems to fly because you're so preoccupied that you don't notice it pass.

And therein lies how you deal with these problems in physics: frames of reference.
When factoring in something travelling at near-speeds of light, you have to take into account two frames of reference, or simply 'points of view'. You can take into account an observer at rest, and someone who is travelling at the fast speed. In fact, I'd go into even greater detail but since I see that you are becoming bored and tired I'll step aside and let someone else make their point of view known. :D

(I've just studied this stuff so I do have a vague idea of what I'm talking about :p)


New Member
I see...

But i'm no physicist, it's probably my worst subject in school tbh!

Why oh why did I get myself involved in this topic?


New Member
Fi$hy said:
KC was questioning this

He was asking what the theory of relativity had to do with Time Travel :p

I don't know, I just thought it made me sound intelligent ;)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Taffy said:
Why oh why did I get myself involved in this topic?

You fool! ;)

Time travel is one of those concepts that remains improbable and yet its lure is immense. It's rather akin to meeting intelligent alien life, in that respect.


Junior Administrator
Ronin Storm said:
It's rather akin to meeting intelligent alien life, in that respect.

Yes, in the sense that anyone who studies it too deeply begins to harm themselves in ways that make them appear almost... alien. :p