To all those with Iphones...


Staff member
2.1 has been out for months, 2.2 is being deployed on most phones soon, and 2.2+ will be aimed at fragmentation fixing.
er. yeah. That's what I meant. Note how it's needlessly confusing?

The only notable rift in iphone functionality that I can think of offhand is the video recording. Otherwise, the OS works exactly the same on every model... When you buy an iphone, you know what you're getting. With android you might be getting a two year old OS with some terrible interface tacked on...


New Member
er. yeah. That's what I meant. Note how it's needlessly confusing?

The only notable rift in iphone functionality that I can think of offhand is the video recording. Otherwise, the OS works exactly the same on every model... When you buy an iphone, you know what you're getting. With android you might be getting a two year old OS with some terrible interface tacked on...
You're right, Android 2.1/2.2 is more confusing than iOS 3.1.3 and 3.2.

Least android gives them quirky codenames.

Yeah but to be fair they have said that multitasking will be disabled on the 3g, for good reason not debating that, just it means if you make an app thats a background upp for example IM, you're kinda screwed with that with over 1/3rd of iphone owners owning the 3g not 3gs/4.

EDIT: tbh I value my phone being autonomous from my PC, iTunes just the thought of just made my balls turn inside out.


Well-Known Member
iPhones currently running 3.1.3, iPad running 3.2 (iPad exclusive version number), and iPhone 4 currently running 4.0, with 4.1 to come soon.

If Apple used the version numbers like Android do, people would be just as confused. It's why Apple just call it iOS - it stops the simpletons who make up the majority of Apple's userbase from having brain spasms.


Junior Administrator
I already have an IM application (not jailbroken) that runs in the background sending push notifications ("badges") to my home screen (like receiving an SMS)... The advantage of multitasking means I don't have to stop using one program to respond to another...

And I can keep Capsuleer running all the time :D

And yes Huung, though the version 4 OS is released to everyone on June 24th :) It's still in developer mode and pre-release handsets.


New Member
I already have an IM application (not jailbroken) that runs in the background sending push notifications ("badges") to my home screen (like receiving an SMS)... The advantage of multitasking means I don't have to stop using one program to respond to another...

And I can keep Capsuleer running all the time :D

And yes Huung, though the version 4 OS is released to everyone on June 24th :) It's still in developer mode and pre-release handsets.

You haven't jail broken your iphone? u mad?


In Cryo Sleep
I just dont feel the need to relate to every inanimate object by prefixing its name with "i"....


In Cryo Sleep
That was from years ago before I realised I was friends with people so monumentally stupid as to buy iPhones.

Oh well :(