After last nights somewhat tepid performance I thought I'd see how many of you I can convince that henchies are a bit poo nowadays 
When I started playing guildwars a few months ago henchmen were critical - you cant do missions early on without them unless you have a few good mates who you can group with. At that time there werent many of us playing so grouping wasnt really feasable so I took the henchman option.
Since then I've played with other groups as well as regular THN players and I've really enjoyed the games that we've played. There have been the occasional instances where someone has dropped early in a mission but on the whole these groups have been really nice people who played well toegether.
Recently I have played a lot of games with henchmen again, in part due to a lack of real players when I've been online but mostly because I have been re-playing the lower levels with shadow and our new characters, and I have noticed that the hencman AI appears to have lost its "I". Henchmen previously were masters of keeping the party alive and choosing sensible targets to attack. They would hold back and not aggro until you moved with them and they would defend themselves when left to their own devices. Up until a few weeks ago that is ... Since then healers have stopped healing, warriors have turned into aggro monsters and self defence as a concept appears to have gone out of the window. Elementalists also now often choose to use their biggest spells shortly after the target has died. I've sat and watched henchmen surrounded and being pummeled and yet refusing to defend themselves. Instead they blindly target whatever you happen to be targetting.
The point of this little rant is to encourage people to group with real people when they can. If you have to group with henchmen then its unfortunate but given the choice lets not have any in our parties at higher levels please as they are a hinderance more than a help at the moment.
When I started playing guildwars a few months ago henchmen were critical - you cant do missions early on without them unless you have a few good mates who you can group with. At that time there werent many of us playing so grouping wasnt really feasable so I took the henchman option.
Since then I've played with other groups as well as regular THN players and I've really enjoyed the games that we've played. There have been the occasional instances where someone has dropped early in a mission but on the whole these groups have been really nice people who played well toegether.
Recently I have played a lot of games with henchmen again, in part due to a lack of real players when I've been online but mostly because I have been re-playing the lower levels with shadow and our new characters, and I have noticed that the hencman AI appears to have lost its "I". Henchmen previously were masters of keeping the party alive and choosing sensible targets to attack. They would hold back and not aggro until you moved with them and they would defend themselves when left to their own devices. Up until a few weeks ago that is ... Since then healers have stopped healing, warriors have turned into aggro monsters and self defence as a concept appears to have gone out of the window. Elementalists also now often choose to use their biggest spells shortly after the target has died. I've sat and watched henchmen surrounded and being pummeled and yet refusing to defend themselves. Instead they blindly target whatever you happen to be targetting.
The point of this little rant is to encourage people to group with real people when they can. If you have to group with henchmen then its unfortunate but given the choice lets not have any in our parties at higher levels please as they are a hinderance more than a help at the moment.