

Super Moderator
Staff member
ugg 13 hours in 2 days... guess that's what happens when you're supposed to be studying


Active Member
This game is great, i stopped playing nations in favour of sunrise, also please note, when the game is loading dont cancel: I did, and starforce broke my computer for a day or two :)

Who ever heard of the a free downloadable checking if it was real or not? :P


Junior Administrator
errrr I've never heard of starforce so errmmm don't think so. maybe the full sunrise paid for version does. who knows.


Junior Administrator
bollocks to it!!!! i love the game and it hasn't done anything nasty to me in the slightest so whatever trevor.


Indeed. I don't mind having Starforce as a copy protection system, but I hate it for being one of the biggest security holes in windows, ever. It sucks just for being so damn stupid.


Staff member
will the game run without it's precious starforce, though?

I've downloaded it but I'll not install it if I need that malware "bonus"


I believe not.

Indeed. If you use the Starforce removal tool, it gets removed after a restart, but any game that uses Starforce will re-install the drivers next time you try to run it. Which I think means you then need a restart too. Unless you want to go the not so legal way. But that's all I'll say as warez are bad!


Junior Administrator
Can some one please explain what's the problem with this thing?? I've been playing trackmania since november and have had no issues at all.


It's very badly designed, is the short of it. It creates a huge security flaw in windows with the way that the driver for it can run any executable at a very low level in windows. Read this and look at this site (most of the problem is on the front page) for more info. I'll write more later, but I'm in a rush, sorry!


Well-Known Member
This explains why my PC has been slowing down recently :O! Going to uninstall and virus/spyware scan asap :).


Well then boys and girls, I've done some digging!

WikiKnowItAll says that your StarForce drivers are updated when you install TrackMania Nations, but are not installed if you do not have StarForce already installed.

That is to say that the game (but only Nations, the free one) WILL work without StarForce, and will not install it (assuming it is not already installed).

So, before you install this game, see if SF is installed, and remove it. Install the game, and you will have no SF on your system!

So go enjoy the lovely free game without fear!