the amount of timezone comprehension failure around here is astounding...
Britain, as standard, operates on GMT time. This is not offset in any way.
Central Europe, including Germany, operates on CET (Central European Time), which is in effect GMT+1.
In March, in an effort to make sure more daylight is, er, in the "daytime," Both the UK AND Central Europe shift their time FORWARD by one hour - this is called Daylight Savings Time. So in effect, our timezones change.
In Britain, we shift from GMT to BST (British Summer Time) which is GMT+1. Central Europe switches from CET to CEST - Central European Summer Time, which is in effect GMT+2. This means that Germany (and the rest of Central Europe) REMAIN one hour ahead of the UK at all times.
Becuase both timezones switch to/from Daylight Savings time at the same time of year, there is never a period where, say, Germany may be 2 hours ahead of the UK or the UK may be on the same time as Germany.