Ok so here we go...
so far the following people have confirmed that they would like to play:
- elDiablo
- Piacular
- Ronin Storm
- Ki!ler-Mk1
- waterproofbob
- Twisto
- Dragon
- midgert
- Sephiroth
- VibroAxe
- Traxata
Assuming I can count correctly, that's 11 players! (so far...)
If you are not in that list then you have not explicitly stated in this thread that you would like to be taking part. Post in the thread if you wish to take part (BiG_D?).
With that many people I think 3 Mafia members should do the trick nicely.
Now for the rules changes... I am now adapting the rules so that they are similar to Ronin's last TWG game (IIRC).
The roles, as it stands:
- The Mayor. This character will have the power of two votes instead of the usual one. This will be allocated randomly. The Mayor may be aligned with EITHER faction, so beware! This will not be a secret role. (I still think that this may spice things up!)
- Private Detective. Or private investigator, or P.I. Or Magnum P.I. Or Hawaii 5-0. Whatever you want to call yourself... This role will allow one innocent to spy on any player of their choosing and determine their alignment. This role will be secret to begin with and it will be at the player's descretion whether or not to reveal their role. The detective will not be a member of the Mafia.
- Sheriff. Being leader of the local police force, this person may choose to offer police protection to one person per night. This person will be an innocent. In an attempt to prevent an (easy) first night execution of the sheriff, this role will remain secret at first, but can of course be revealed at the player's own discretion.
- Should the sheriff be attacked, that player will be killed off as normal.
- Should the player that the Sheriff is offering protection to be attacked, BOTH players will survive (the attempt has been thwarted by the police) but the sheriff's role will become known to the mafia members.
I'd like a bit more discussion on how you think the Sheriff role would work... It has changed since my first post and I'd like to know what you think
As for the rules:
- Other than on the first night, the No Lynch vote has now been removed. That is, on the first night and first night only, the townspeople may vote not to lynch anyone. After that, someone must be voted for every night.
- I am going to change the voting process. Of course, please discuss your votes in the game thread. However, in an attempt to stop some inadvertant "cheating" (yes i know it wasn't intentional) that occurred in the last game I want ALL active players to PM me with their vote during each day period.
- The reason for this is that on the Currently Active Users page you can see what people on the board at that time are up to. A person who shall remain nameless (Piacular) saw myself sending a pm when normally I wouldn't be and instantly knew then that in the last game I was a wolf. I wish to try and avoid that by getting everyone to PM me.
- If PM doesn't work for you or you would prefer another method, grab me on XFire or MSN (usernames are in my profile).
- All votes MUST be in by the time Night-time falls on each game day, which will be approximately 9pm BST every two days. Failure to place a vote (for whatever reason) 2 game-days (4 real days) in a row will result in your expulsion from the game, regardless of whether or not you are active in the game (remember I want a PM!).
- To win, the number of Mafia members left alive within the game must be equal to or greater than the number of normal townspeople left alive.
- Each player will also have one veto. Using this veto they can decrease the number of votes against another player (not themself!) of their choosing.
As a reminder, signups close at
9pm (BST), Sunday 16th September, with the first game day beginning at
approx. 9am (BST) Monday 17th September. Each game day will last approximately 36 hours, so the first day will end at
9pm BST Tuesday 18th* September. This cycle will then repeat for each game day.
I will post in the game thread to signify the start and end of each game day. No discussion is allowed in-game during the night-time period.
You will each receive a PM on the first Sunday night denoting your roles within the games.
The Mafia members must (unanimously) decide on someone to kill. I would like these votes to also be in by the start of each night period. I will, however, be a bit more lenient with this particular vote because game chat right up to the wire may affect your final decision. I therefore ask that all mafia votes are in
no later than 1 hour after the night-time period has started.
One thing I would like suggestions for is what to do should there be a tie in the voting. I could kill both players off, flip a coin, or perhaps kill neither. I'm totally undecided on that fact at the moment...
Ok. Please discuss this new set of rules in here and let me know what you think.
Questions? Comments? Anything I have missed? Then post here and I will of course take all comments and suggestions on board
By the way... my decision will be final in all aspects of the game

we can discuss what went right/wrong after the game has finished...
* = Correction pointed out by Ronin...