Umm, I love America!


Active Member
Disturbing. I normally have no problem with religion but that was scary. I hope she gets some perspective that will allow her to at least accept that other people have their own viewpoints which are just as valid as anyone elses.

She seems to have the sort of mentality that would have been welcomed during the Salem witch trials. Also, her comments of "I am a spiritual warrior" make her sound like she intends to single handedly restart the crusades. I pity any "dark-sided" person who gets in her way.



OMG! wtf welll.....urm im confused, is that real? physco woman! if shes such a worrior she shd fight away those bingo wings!!


Active Member
This is the problem with religion you see, I can fully respect anyone's religious beliefs so long as they don't take their views of other people's to the extremes like this woman did.


In Cryo Sleep
I had seen this one before.

Comfort yourself with the fact that she'll never be able to achieve more than pissing off people with shouting, unlike other religious nuts.

And it's not so much a problem with religion itself, but the inherent behaviour of people to think in groups. If religion didn't exist, it would be liberal/social, vegetarian/meat eater, and so forth. Just the way (some) people are. At least religion is helping a lot of people to live their lives, too.

And her, perspective? She's what Orwell would call a prole. I really do wonder sometimes if mankind consists of one single species.


Staff member
did you read the story of it all? how they divided the money and all? she apparently refused the money (at first) since it was from the "heathens", but when she realised most of it was for her gastric bypass, well then she miraculously(sp?) changed her mind...

all in all a rather sad story imho...


In Cryo Sleep
No, i haven't read or even carefully listened, i know it's good to broaden your general knowledge like that (especially if it stands so far away from you), but, meh, cba.

I'm not at all surprised at her changing her mind. :)


New Member
It was quite disturbing to watch the childrens face's through out this.
Nobody has the right to behave like this in front of ANY kids.
The father looked like the weakest minded idiot I have ever seen.


In Cryo Sleep
Thats an old clip seen that ages ago. Still funny though :) she pure trys to blame her kids for everything. So heres he moral of the story kids. Religion sucks and all it brings is violence and psyco bitchs like her :D


In Cryo Sleep
Piacular said:
I wonder if she liked Star Wars...

Probably not, she seems like the kind of woman to me who is lacking in intelligence and refuses to accept science because it is beyond her so she turns to what is easily acceptable for the weak-of-mind and has assimilated herself into a world of hatred and agony.


Staff member
SgtSafety said:
Religion sucks and all it brings is violence and psyco bitchs like her :D
So, at the risk of turning this into a soapbox topic, I have a question. You guys (and I'm refering here to many of the younger BF2 players, it seems,) tend to think the answer to everything is violence.

'We need to invade country a and kill all those bastards, they're nothing but trouble.'
'Let's start a war with
country b before they cause more problems.'
etc. etc.

So if it isn't religion fueling that, what is it? And why is religion more dangerous than whatever it is?


In Cryo Sleep
[mod]I am sorry for being a stupid jackass! I shall never post up such utter tripe again as long as I live![/mod]


In Cryo Sleep
Very dangerous direction to push a thread in, i'll have to watch this one closely. :)

Religion can be seen in many ways. For the most part it's so common it has to satisfy some universal desire of mankind across many cultures and classes. It's a fact of life.

I've come to realise that the word religion is a chameleon and a very broad term, it's so much more than the insitutes such as churches that most people seem to think embody religion, and it's an important distinction to make that it can mean so much more. Perhaps there are better words for the point i'm trying to make, but i can't think of any.

I believe it is above all a personal way of orienting yourself on life and the world, beyond the insights things such as reasoning can offer. I'm seeing this everywhere, even in people who claim not to be "religious" in the regular sense. Now take a deep thought and think about what secularism really is, and how the word is used in the debate about the Mohammed cartoons.

I don't think it is mainly used as a tool as T-Bone states, sure it has been used that way by some people, and with varying degrees, mostly in the past, but it goes for any social or governing structure (which the church is/was) that people will attempt to abuse it. It's not an inherent flaw of religion itself that would make it "bad" somehow.

As for the maturity levels of the people on this forum, i'd say that's best left undiscussed, as there's nothing to gain from such a discussion.

I hope i'm not floating too high here. Drag me back to earth if i do please. :)


In Cryo Sleep
That woman is no christian. She is NO Christian, christians do not curse other people, they try to change thme not ban them. some of my closest friends are christians and i used ot be one and that woman is a disgrace to the christian name!



I guess a religion is little more than a set of values (ethical that is) on how to exist, on that note it's fairly easy to see why people are religious so long as the ethical codes aren't too extreme.

Following a set of ideas or ethics needs some form of motivational factor, in religion's case, generally either a more satisfied (peaceful etc.) life, or perhaps the promise of an afterlife (afterall, the lack of knowledge of the beyond is what scares us most. I think it's time for a Shakepeare quote :p "The undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns" )

But I digress, if religion is such a motivator (after all what could be more motivating than the promise of happiness) then it can be easily misused.

Thus whilst a great thing for many people, under the wrong kind of control, it's a very dangerous force.


In Cryo Sleep
BiG D said:
So, at the risk of turning this into a soapbox topic, I have a question. You guys (and I'm refering here to many of the younger BF2 players, it seems,) tend to think the answer to everything is violence.

'We need to invade country a and kill all those bastards, they're nothing but trouble.'
'Let's start a war with
country b before they cause more problems.'
etc. etc.

So if it isn't religion fueling that, what is it? And why is religion more dangerous than whatever it is?

I didnt say we should solve everything by violence. Never did i once say that. But looking historically you will see that most wars either were started by religion or involved the killing of people who believe in a certain relgion. Also there is no hard evidence to say which religion is right (or even if any are) and many believe it is just use to have control over the mass. Just a wee thought :D