Umm, I love America!


Staff member
So, what's the difference between the prejudice she was displaying in the video and you saying "Religion sucks and all it brings is violence." I think you need to step back and think about just what you're saying sometimes.


Because Safety was suggesting that in the case of the dear lady on the video that religion was the cause of her biase against those differant from her.

Whilst not especially PC, it's her interpretation of the bible's teaching not the actions of others that has caused her slightly aggressive attitude towards others, correct me if I'm wrong?


In Cryo Sleep
BiG D said:
So, what's the difference between the prejudice she was displaying in the video and you saying "Religion sucks and all it brings is violence." I think you need to step back and think about just what you're saying sometimes.

Hmm maybe because i aint as mad as her. Also i have given quite a good reasoning behind it. Sorry if you didnt get it because it was PC but it still is a valid point. I dont have anything against religion. I just think many people take it to the extreme i.e. Her(christian) and many other religions which i wont say incase i get told off beucase its not PC.


Staff member
That's not what you said, though. You painted every single follower of every single religion with the same brush. That's every bit as bad, if not worse, as what she was doing.


I think you two are arguing slightly different topics. What I think Safety was trying to say was that (in his opinion) religion is no good because it starts wars and at the end of the day religion leads to violence. Maybe he should have worded it better instead of saying "All religions suck".

What I think you are arguing - Big D, is that Sgt.Safety is discriminating against all religions by saying "all religions suck", and that you disagree with this view.

Knowing Safety personally I do not think he meant to be prejudice. I think he was trying to make the point that he does not believe in religion because he thinks that they cause war.

Try not to take anything said in these forums personally.


In Cryo Sleep
Get oooota ma house she the devil SHE THE DEVIL.........................Tarrow cards in the name of jesus get outa ma house, take ur money,
she should be put down!


In Cryo Sleep
im nto having a go at americans, just that woman, but thats not what all Americans are like,are they?


In Cryo Sleep
You should never have a go at all of anything, because it's generalising. Most Americans will be nice people. Most Iraqis and Afghans too, it's just the bias in popular culture and the news that makes you think otherwise.


Staff member
I can say with confidence that no one in the world is quite like that lady ;)


Active Member
Can I just point out that it is NOT religion that is the problem. I agree that religion has been the excuse for some wars (e.g. the crusades), but so has non-religious ideologies (WW2 - big example - fascism vs everyone else ;) ), territory expansion (pretty much any UK vs France war in history :rolleyes: ), love (Helen of Troy - okay this is a mythological example but it's late and I'm drunkish) and natural resources (Gulf wars I & II - OIL!!).

The problem in this case (and indeed most similar examples) is the inividual interpretation / perspective. This lady has taken the message of the bible (be good to each other - oversimplification but still fairly accurate (I think)), and decided to turn it into her own personal crusade against anyone and everyone who doesn't share her viewpoint.

Basicly, respect breeds respect, hate breeds hate & violence breeds violence. Do unto others as you would have done unto you. <- It's a good philosophy to live by.


P.S. If any of this doesn't make sense, I apologise for my drunken ramblings. If it does make sense, and you feel it's a valid viewpoint, feel free to quote it, otherwise, feel free to ignore it. Like I said, it's all down to personal perspective.