Well, thatbloke, seeing as the dual SLi 7800's have been out for a while (and as you should know I've been drooling over them for a while), you can probably guess that I'm getting a bit dehydrated now!
And Hotsuff, being a keen watcher of SLi (nVidia fanboy at heart!

), I can say that the whole point of SLi was to make playing games at higher resolutions possible. As a single 7series card can quite easily power most games at 1280x1024, adding another at that resolution will not do much for you. It will add more on board memory in effect (hence the small boost in FPS).
Originally, when the SLi was first introduced, the idea was that playing at larger resolutions was possible as the two GPUs could work together to do all the magic stuff to make your games look pretty. This lead to the big screens that we have been seeing (the 30" one from Dell, for example). However, not many people have big screens (I have 2x 17"s that have a max res of 1280x1024). Now, the clever people at nVidia thought, "Hmmm... what else can we use this power for?". And so was born the SLi-FAA of goodness. This pretty much means that you can set application profiles for your graphics card, with certain AA settings being implemented when a certain exe is run. If BF2.exe is running, your primary card will do the same job as it was before, but your second one will be SOLELY for AA and the such likes.
This is a GREAT gain, as you can put EVERYTHING up to max, one card will do the main work, and the other one will make everything look BEAUTIFUL.
Now, the second main gain of a dual SLi set up is dual screens. I mentioned I have 2x 17" screens. This is due to me being a geek and all, but is handy (having TS and xfire on one screen, while I play games on the other). However, having only 1 graphics card means that I can't run my graphic-intensive (Doom3) games at 1280x1024 (as I effectively have a screen resolution of 2560x1024, even though games only span the primary screen). So, adding a second card will help a LOT with dual screen set up (as long as you don't want the SLi-FAA as much).
Hope this makes a bit of sense, if not, I can write a whole other spiel with links and the such if you want