

Active Member
Hey folks,
I figured since we don't have any thread dedicated to webcomics here I'd start one, as there is much goodness to be shared indeed!

Please share any that you find interesting/loveable/amusing/whatever with a bit of commentary, I'll occasionally update the list :) I'll also try and divide it according to the scope of the webcomic (strips/stories). Oh, and yes, the descriptions WILL be lacklustre and tags rather repetitive, but I'm not the most creative of guys ^^

Order of the Stick
I'm sure you all know this one, but it it'd be a shame if it wasn't included and anyone missed out. Comic about long-running D&D campaign, with numerous characters, genre-defining stick-art and lost of story!
Tags: fantasy, d&d, story, still running​

Keychain of Creation
Much like OotS, but rather than based on a game of D&D this one draws from Exalted. Fun, likeable characters, great setting.
Tags: fantasy, exalted, story, still running​

A bit slow on the front end, but turns into a gripping story later on - this one is about a DM that gets sucked into a fantas world which runs on table-top game rules complete with hexes, unit stacks etc.
Tags: fantasy, parallel dimension, story, still running​

Gunnerkrigg Court
This one's a bit like Harry Potter for adults meets steampunk. Great story, progressively improving art, excellent bonus-pages.
Tags: fantasy, boarding school, mystery, still running​

Looking For Group
Somewhat WoW based, a bit like OotS but not stick-art.
Tags: WoW, fantasy, still running​

Miracle of Science
While the art is not breath-taking, the story is quite gripping, idea nice and clever and you'll read it in one go :)
Tags: sci-fi, story, aliens, mad science, finished​

Spider Jerusalem back in town, this is the complete edition of Transmetropolitan, legendary series by Warren Ellis and Darick Robertson about a journalist that was a man of his own. This one is messy and rude but awesome read.
Tags: cyberpunk, journalists, story, finished​

Now we're going into the strips section:

I'm sure you all know this one, but it it'd be a shame if it wasn't included and anyone missed out ^^
Tags: science, life, strip, still running​

God that playes with puppets, Devil running around tempting mortals, devil-girls on strike, piggy that loves porno and junk food... And of course, 'nique.
Tags: life, fun, strip, still running​

Penny Arcade
Gamin. 'nuff said.
Tags: gamin, strip, still running​

Cyanide and Happiness
Everyone knows this one, but hell, I'll include it anyway. Grossly inappropriate with sick sense of humour, yet always cracks me up :) Oh wait... :D
Tags: life, simple, strip, still running​

Inappropriate, yet with clever punchlines.
Tags: strips, still running​

That's it for now - there's plenty more but I'm just putting in what I remember I read, so there you go :)


In Cryo Sleep
I mainly read XKCD, as do half the people (students and staff) at my part of the uni). I'm also following Dark Legacy.


Well-Known Member
Every single ONE is blocked.


Why can't they have a backdoor without the bloody obvious metatags of comic/humour.


Well-Known Member
Cru the Dwarf

sooo awesome! Especially any WoW-player will love this.

Attention! Some pages are not safe for work!

(but honestly who cares, if you can see bouncing night elve boobies? ^^)