What are you playing?


Well-Known Member
Right now I'm trying out Anno 1404 - enjoying it so far :)

IMO It's not as enjoyable as the earlier ones, and alot of things don't make too much sense in it (Clay farms?), but it's a pretty fun game. It's just a shame there's no MP :(


New Member
WoW - Just about seen everything there is, and still cant get enough.
Left 4 dead - Only fun with friends and Teamspeak.
Battleforge - Free and fun, but dont think its worth the money to upgrade.
BF2 - The occasional dabble, usually as a sniper.


New Member
Was playing TF2 for several hours a day but have cut back as I have started playing Eve again. Other than that I play L4D about once a week with friends as any more time on that and we would kill each other.


Not playing anything as a main pastime, but on the odd evening I fancy it I'm playing (in order of time spent):

  • Overlord II
  • Prototype
  • Mass Effect

I'm also poking at Dawn of War 2 (having been through the campaign three times), but my ADSL is screwed up at the moment making getting onto Steam and pulling the requisite updates impossible.

Every now and then I'm hopping onto GuildWars, keep getting this urge to progress more of the characters I have on there.


Almost embarressed to admit I've started playing it - after bashing it years back - but it's mainly WOW for me now atm.