New Member
I'm writing this to air my own opinions and frustrations, which might come across as single-minded, blinkered, whathaveyou, but they're from my perspective, so it's not that surprising (Never said I was a super loose kinda gal... except the bit about being from Essex).
Note that this is not aimed at anyone, just mindless venting/general 'Rargh, I need to get it out of my system' screaming.
Anyway, what I want from the Haven is the community and raiding. I love pretty much all you guys. I've been raiding with you since Mt. Hyjal back in TBC (Well, technically Gruul and maggie). I have done so, and you've remained the sole raiding guild I've stuck with solely because I love you all (cant be stated enough). But I want more from the guild.
I want us to be able to rely on each other for general support and guidance (as in spec assist, dealing with camping alliance, proff needs and so on). Much of this is fine, and it's more down to an individual thing, but some people do seem less inclined to go out of their way than others. That's fine. It's part of who they are, and it's not anyone's place to try and change that. But perhaps those people should ask what they want from a community guild if they're unwilling to actually be a part of it?
This is true of raiding, whereby we have some -wonderful- raiders (the ungodly Sass, the restless Woogle, and so on). we have had many people go through our doors and onto bigger guilds and accomplish all manner of things. Now that's a kicker, really.
People going through these doors and onto something bigger. If all those who'd gone through had stayed, we'd quite probably be the strongest Horde raiding guild on the server. That's not a lie or an overestimation. We have had some incredible people here. But then they leave. They get impatient. They want more, now.
What can we do to stop this? What possible way is there to keep these excellent raiders within our community? Is it because we're not hardcore, or because we're not the big name on the server? As said, we've fostered a lot of talent that has gone, and it's a shame. Is it a question of faith in the guild? Faith that they can reach their potential that would keep people here? Or is it a case of becoming a 'serious progress raiding guild'?
Communication is also a little errtic of late. Some will argue all manner of points but the fact remains /g is mostly very quiet, regardless of hour in the day, or month in the year.
One of the things as a 'raider' I'm aware of is that I'm not privvy to officer chat. As a normal player, I don't spend all my game hours on TS, so have no idea what's being discussed there, either. It leaves my one avenue of intel, which is to say /g, somewhat stark and barren of useful information.
My reasons for not speaking on TS have been mentioned before, but to reiterate the most basic one: This PC is in the living room. To talk on TS would be incredibly disruptive to the family. I can't move it elsewhere as I simply don't have the room.
I'm not saying give us all access to officer chat. That'd be pointless. But give us more snippets of information when they're asked for. even if to tell us off for being arses.
I will make this vow now. I intend to stay with this guild for all the time I am on World of Warcraft and raiding. I've never once seen you as a stepping stone, and nor do I want to leave a guild with so many awesome people. I want us to thrive, and accomplish what we -know- we can.
Please feel free to tear into this or generally argue with anything I've said and sounds retarded. It's what this is here for. It's to get things out in the open.
Note that this is not aimed at anyone, just mindless venting/general 'Rargh, I need to get it out of my system' screaming.
Anyway, what I want from the Haven is the community and raiding. I love pretty much all you guys. I've been raiding with you since Mt. Hyjal back in TBC (Well, technically Gruul and maggie). I have done so, and you've remained the sole raiding guild I've stuck with solely because I love you all (cant be stated enough). But I want more from the guild.
I want us to be able to rely on each other for general support and guidance (as in spec assist, dealing with camping alliance, proff needs and so on). Much of this is fine, and it's more down to an individual thing, but some people do seem less inclined to go out of their way than others. That's fine. It's part of who they are, and it's not anyone's place to try and change that. But perhaps those people should ask what they want from a community guild if they're unwilling to actually be a part of it?
This is true of raiding, whereby we have some -wonderful- raiders (the ungodly Sass, the restless Woogle, and so on). we have had many people go through our doors and onto bigger guilds and accomplish all manner of things. Now that's a kicker, really.
People going through these doors and onto something bigger. If all those who'd gone through had stayed, we'd quite probably be the strongest Horde raiding guild on the server. That's not a lie or an overestimation. We have had some incredible people here. But then they leave. They get impatient. They want more, now.
What can we do to stop this? What possible way is there to keep these excellent raiders within our community? Is it because we're not hardcore, or because we're not the big name on the server? As said, we've fostered a lot of talent that has gone, and it's a shame. Is it a question of faith in the guild? Faith that they can reach their potential that would keep people here? Or is it a case of becoming a 'serious progress raiding guild'?
Communication is also a little errtic of late. Some will argue all manner of points but the fact remains /g is mostly very quiet, regardless of hour in the day, or month in the year.
One of the things as a 'raider' I'm aware of is that I'm not privvy to officer chat. As a normal player, I don't spend all my game hours on TS, so have no idea what's being discussed there, either. It leaves my one avenue of intel, which is to say /g, somewhat stark and barren of useful information.
My reasons for not speaking on TS have been mentioned before, but to reiterate the most basic one: This PC is in the living room. To talk on TS would be incredibly disruptive to the family. I can't move it elsewhere as I simply don't have the room.
I'm not saying give us all access to officer chat. That'd be pointless. But give us more snippets of information when they're asked for. even if to tell us off for being arses.
I will make this vow now. I intend to stay with this guild for all the time I am on World of Warcraft and raiding. I've never once seen you as a stepping stone, and nor do I want to leave a guild with so many awesome people. I want us to thrive, and accomplish what we -know- we can.
Please feel free to tear into this or generally argue with anything I've said and sounds retarded. It's what this is here for. It's to get things out in the open.