what do we want?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

i find myslf slightly confused just what your actually asking for 'the haven' to change??

I don't think she's asking for the guild to change.

All she's saying is, "this is how I feel, could it be different".

It's a valid sharing, and I, for one, quite appreciate it. :)

On the TS subject, real-life situations take more than flip of a switch to change, some times, and I'm sure we are all aware of that. I myself was unable to join TS for quite a long while when I first joined the guild, and I understood that things were different for me because of that, but life is what life is.

Other than that, I have to say you pretty much hit the nail on the head when you say:

we have specified what te haven will and wont become so that wont change!

(Well, other than the fact that things are always open for discussion and that organisms like ours grow and evolve over time, but that's beyond the scope of this thread, I think...:))



In Cryo Sleep
what is the point of voicing an Opinion if u dont want it to affect the person your talking to??

If she didnt want change id worry about the fact that she has just spent god knows how long bleedin her heart out on THN for kicks!
Pls correct me if im wrong on this one?!

Also Angelic, you know how much i enjoy when u join a conversation so let me dedicate this part to you:

T.s as i see it is the ultimate way for people that like to connect and share there love of not only WoW but all the games that have chat rooms. The very reason it is a must that u can hear T.s when u raid is the fact that it takes way to long and is stupidly inefficient to spend all that time writing out tactics and correcting errors over guild/raid/any other form of text. We all know this and yet some people decide to only listen, some people decide they only want to write in guild...well for me "the haven" is T.s and the people!, its not WoW its, not my characters, its what u lot give me by being there to interact with which is kinda why i dont feel bad actually telling my GF im playing a game for god knows how many hours, because im not "just" wasting my life on a game! im talking and interacting with my friends and people i like...Kinda why im trying to get all of you lot together for what i hope will be a new level of the havens progression as a social guild.

Now the point id like to make is this, if u sit there listening to us chat, argue,bitch, moan and get drunk online and u dont want to join in for what ever reason then fine...thats your choice u can make your excuses and it wont effect any of ...hmm how did Angelic put it , "the T.S grp" but u cant expect us to dumb down all of that into text and start trying to liven things up in /G, it would b like giving some one a HD flat screen 100 inch t.v for an england game ,chucking it in the bin and watching it on a black and white portable instead.
I repeat there is nothing wrong with the Haven as a social guild..."BUT" there may be some thing wrong with "YOUR" interaction with the Haven as a social guild! i.e u want something out of it that it isnt going to give.
If u want to hard core raid u go find a guild that can do that for u and come back when u realise GS aint all it turned out to be (im second in the guild btw "2ND" Sabbath hurry up and leave!!!)
But seriously all joking aside, i read all this and all i see is problems with people not problems with the guild, and that is "my" take on this thred, Maybe u should come on T.S a little more Angelic and maybe, just maybe u can say some thing that will cause me to think u may actually have a personality!

im open for change are you?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hoy, :)

Just a friendly quip:

Guys, let's not be raining on each other. These are people's feelings and opinions. Every post so far has been appropriate in that it was either serious or in obvious jest, but given the topic(s) and the (recent) history, it's the sort of thing that can easily derail. Let's keep it cool. :)

Thankee kindly.



In Cryo Sleep
Well far be it for me to cause undue friction in the guild "again", what i wrote was as i said "my take" and if none of it had merit id be happy to retract it.
I as much as u would think it isnt true ,ican appreiciate when im wrong "but" if people arnt willing to talk about issues because they would rather bitch and moan behind peoples back rather than bring it up with the actual person , well we can all do that too cant we.

Just drop my Infraction in the post ill add it to the others.


Active Member
I sense this topic derailing "slightly" - let´s not let it do that, it has quite a lot of potential.

I feel the whole point of this (zee forum, this particular thread) is NOT to "talk behind each others backs", no?

Anyway, back to the TS issue - I agree wholeheartedly that chatting on TS has much more heart to it than typing in /g and that it´s far easier too (mind you, we are talking casual chat here, not raid organization as that is whole other thing). Lonny, however, as I see it, was asking "what can be done for those that can´t/ don´t want to use TS". As you can see, there are many such people i the guild - be it because of their PC location, absence of headset, wanting to listen to music rather than the occassional ranom TS chatter etc. I was one of those and that made me feel quite isolated from the "lively" core that lurked TS all the time. Maybe that´s what Lonny feels too, I dont know. How to fix this TS/nonTS divergence I dont know either. That doesnt make it hipocritical or moany, though. All valid concerns.


In Cryo Sleep
Well, what can I say. The Haven is the first guild that's actually fun to be in since Vendetta (also SSL) 3 years ago. And that's compared to guilds on 7?! servers i've been on.

It's also amazing how i'm still in the guild as a trial, while not having joined any raid yet and having been AFK for like a month. =)

but thats because your guilded with me agian Priam!


In Cryo Sleep
I sense this topic derailing "slightly" - let´s not let it do that, it has quite a lot of potential.

I feel the whole point of this (zee forum, this particular thread) is NOT to "talk behind each others backs", no?

To be honest i dont think its derailing i think some thinks have to be aired and put out in the open, for example i hate gidean :P Not in a gay way though

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
To be honest i dont think its derailing i think some thinks have to be aired and put out in the open, for example i hate gidean :P Not in a gay way though

I agree completely.

And sadly, I do agree with Lyranne. When I joined this guild, a fresh level.. 40 mage, I loved it. Not to say I still don't. If there is any place in WoW for me, I'd like to think of it as right here, and I don't plan on ever leaving. (Sorry Gid, Midge, Razz, Ari, Zooggy, Masia ;) )

But the spirit does seem to have died a little. Maybe it's the friction being caused within the guild, what with recent controversy over the whole 'hardcore raiding' thing, which I'm not even going to bother discussing, as lord only knows it's been talked about too much. Maybe it's another factor, or any other number of factors, but in my opinion, it has happened.

It is harder to be able to talk on TS, and I for one feel a bit disjointed, or 'out of touch' if I don't have a mic to abuse somebody with. (Which is unfortunate for me, as my actual PC has a screwed up soundboard, and so everything but the mic jack-in works. )

At the end of it all, there isn't much that can be actively 'done'. If we spoke more in /g just because of this thread, then it would seem fake; only doing it because it's an issue. It'd almost be like a rule, even if we all knew it wasn't. We've got to be able to come to that on our own. But it's easier to do that now that the issue is out in the open.

A community never just happens, it is born out of some incredible people. We are an evolving guild, and the best I have ever, and will ever see in my opinion, with some really unique individuals. But I don't think we can change this, except to 'evolve' into it.

My 2 cents anyway.

Sorry about the wall of text.


In Cryo Sleep
Well guys, i did 1 ToC 10man with ya. That was enugh to fell in love with the Haven... Anyways i've falles vores with prot spec, so i hope officers don't mind letting mé try something else in raids, in the future? Thats why i've been alot of inactive the last time


New Member
Egads. sorry I didn't reply sooner, just had a lot on my mind and kinda ended up losing track of how long it'd been.

I'm not saying it should be a hardcore raiding guild (which I've now had to reiterate no less than three times), I simply stated that there are people within the guild that want to see more progress than others. That's pretty much human nature. We know some want more, and some are content. My point was that do we risk losing those that want more. Oftentimes, frustration causes a raid to falter as some aren't quite so keen on pushing forward as others. No one is right or wrong in such a situation - it's simply personal preference. But again as I've said before, if you -do- want to progress then there's nothing wrong with stating so and also wanting to be in the guild.

Gid, you pretty much summed up the entire issue with TS that Angelic was referring to. Stating that people can't be arsed to talk in /g when they have TS is counter-productive. New people to the guild might need to download the application, might even need to sort out some speakers or headphones. As I said before, I simply don't want to sit in this chair and have earphones in for the duration of playing WoW. I enjoy listening to music, or even just having a break from thinking about WoW. I'm sometimes involved in coversations in real life that TS would be detrimental to. I don't want to feel forced into being on TS or else never be a part of a conversation.

I don't know that there's a group of people always on TS as such, but stating that it's everyone else who needs to make the effort because you don't see a problem is not productive. as a community guild, the ingame channe;s have as much reason (if not more) to be alive with conversation than TS. That has been my complaint. I go on TS for raids, but draw the line at casual conversations simply because I can't speak, and thus any response is out of synch with what's been stated.

As regards to keeping in touch with people outside of the guild after they leave: I never stated that as an issue. I only referred to the fact they leave, and that's what I find a shame. Yes you an talk through whispers, but at the end of the day, you're still not as likely to raid with them as you once were, which was pretty much what I was inferring. some rejoin us on alts or occasional forays, but for the most part, they don't raid with us again.

I don't want the guild to change in any dramatic way, I just want some people to be aware that with such disparate interests and aims the guild as a whole needs more flexibility than some are willing to accept it has. It's one thing to state and reiterate that we're not a hardcore raiding guild, but how many of our core raiders are happy with not downing the Lich King? This is when the compromises need to be looked at. where do we draw a line? As a casual raiding guild, we should state that x boss is where we stop, and never go beyond. That's what a casual raid should be. Often this does happen, but we also get the runs where we spend hourse trying (or succeeding) to make progress. casual raids don't take on the Lich King. The very fact we not only do so, but also have the people to down him (even if it's not happened yet) suggest to me that it's foolish to tar everyone in the raid as a casual.

Alas, even with such hyperbole, there's little that can be suggested that would be considered workable. Not least because all the best solutions/suggestions are compromises. They in themselves are often seen as something 'dirty' or else 'giving in'. But sometimes, a compromise is the best solution and the most balanced.

If people have suggestions about how we raid, or how we improve a given situation, it should never be ignored, as I'm sure we'll reach an agreeable conclusion eventually. at least, that's my hope.

I'm also glad to see so many replies. Any and all comments will only aid in allowing us to move on and see what concerns there may well be.