I still love naxx
It's good that some people still like/love the place. I personally have run it -far- too much (remember that it was in the game before Wrath was out, and I'd been in there a good number of times... hell, I remember when Lost or Eternity or whichever guild my old friend Dúranor was in decided to run it, and I had to pay an arm and a leg to quickly attune to join in the fun). Long story short, I know I often seem like I'm not willing to help out, but it's quite the contrary; I do want to help out. Hell, I love helping people out where I can, be it with using my characters' professions to help gear people up, or giving advice on playstyles/gearing/where to find info, and sometimes helping by grouping with people.
I'm reluctant when it comes to Naxx10 because of how much we ran it already, but I will join in when I'm desperately needed, although I have less patience/tolerance for it than I would have for anywhere else. I'm much more ready and willing to help out when it comes to any other raid and most Heroics (apart from Oculus, of course).
Oddly, I still don't mind doing Naxx25 (you'll still hear me moan about Razuvius and the Construct Quarter, but don't mind that

), and I hope we can get it going again since some people seem to prefer doing the 25 man version of any given raid over doing the 10 man version, be it for loot reasons or otherwise. If people enjoy, it's great, plus its practice for other 25 man dungeons, and it'll hopefully gear more of our people up for Ulduar. For a good many people, Naxx25 is -not- essential gearing for Ulduar, but it does help a lot.
To reinforce Tbone's points, we might have the numbers to restart our 25-mans (possibly with a little outside assistance; many of you will remember our friends like Basslar, Hubbit, Vaali and Vandiel), but we are a long way off Ulduar 25, or even two Ulduar 10 groups.
We're trying at our end now to set up the 25-mans and get them going again; you guys will need to chip in as well, and not just with signing up and attending. We have many great players in the guild, and many more good players; everyone can improve, and looking into how you can do that counts for as much as (if not more than) gearing your character up with 25-man loot.
Don't be afraid to ask officers or other raiders how you're doing; ask for feedback and constructive criticism, ask for tips, tricks and like... ask for anything. Just be prepared to take it all on board, and don't feel offended or disheartened if you aren't doing your best; almost nobody gets it perfect first time, if ever (hell, I can't even play hunter anymore without getting confused, and I'm still messing up Protadin tanking).
Huzzah, long post is far longer than I intended and likely far more ramble-y than it needs to be, but I hope I got my points across.