When did you join THN?


Staff member
Relevant dates:
Registered on: 06-Nov-2001

That was technically the start of thehavennet (although not as we know it), it was only used for email for quite a while before I got round to start playing with websites - june 2002 I think.

The first forums that anyone could sign up to and get involved with were put up in november 2002 like you said :)


In Cryo Sleep
Also, I'd like to point out there were other forums before the previous ones. Some weirdly integrated ones with a beige colour scheme. Not attractive but full of memories :)

Anyone got any screens?


Junior Administrator
Remember the Bravenet clan forums? Good idea at the time, but looking back, the red and black didn't work... *shudder*


Junior Administrator
22nd December '05. Randomly found the Fi$hmeister, midge and nanor on a server and hooked up with them. Then fi$hy made the mistake of giving me the website address for this place :D


In Cryo Sleep
hmmmmmmmm by the forum it says 12th of Feb which is when i fell ill so i blame u lot for that.

I guess u still blame thatbloke for letting me on here but to be fair I joined on my own when he was not looking coz I was getting jeliouse of all the time he was spending on here. And I have never looked back....
apart from:

being used and abused by twisto(ur first comment was can she do kit wash!!)
nanor(my little pervert)
eldiablo(the other man)
lynx(humping me at the tv station no i didnt land on u)
SgtFury( making whip his ass) and so on.

I could do this all night!!!!

But i guess u guys do put up with me as well with my crappy shooting and constant abuse.

Fuzzy Bunny

Before the Phalanx Campaign was released. Maybe even before the beta testing started on THN. I don't think I was around for the first couple of months I spent playing on the THN ASw server.

I remember Multiplay was still running their servers...


In Cryo Sleep
Joined the forums April 2005. It was around the time when the THN Alien Swarm server was created, I joined up and donated a small amount as thanks for it. Didn't expect to still be here nearly a year later :P


In Cryo Sleep
31. August 2003 but i was around on thehaven server 2 weeks before i registered actually the resslots required me to be a registered user.


In Cryo Sleep
15th March 2003

Good ol' NS days eh :)

(lol i just noticed i missed my 3rd THN anniverssary a few days ago! poo)