Who likes what music?

What are your favourite types of music?

  • Total voters


In Cryo Sleep
Heh, i hate polls like these, because i hate attaching labels to music. I never seem to agree with them.

Basically i can enjoy but pop, but there are plenty of exceptions too. Most of the things i listen to are in the rock range, but just that certainly wouldn't define my taste.


Staff member
Actually, let me explain myself better than any poll ever could: My last.fm profile. Click and be amazed/disgusted/confused. ;)

I just got the new Cascada album. Can you tell? :p


In Cryo Sleep
No. :)

Ooh, i see NOFX, i like the surprise.

I listen mostly to the radio (there's 1 good station in the whole nation, yay), if i listen to music it's nearly always on my player, and full albums most of the time. I don't like selecting tracks, because there's always good stuff on albums i'd be missing out on, and it gives the music a chance to grow on me.

Fuzzy Bunny

I listen to a little bit of everything. Speedcore's one of my favorite generes of music though.


In Cryo Sleep
Aww, geez.

There's never a "funky gypsy jazz" option.

How dare you imply my music taste isn't good enough for your poll! :p


Staff member
I'll play some django reinhart for you on the radio pia ;)

that make you happy?


In Cryo Sleep
If I had sound at Uni it might :(.

We all get loads, Pubic! You can choose as many as you like.

Hip-Hop seems popular :).

Everyone who likes pop in the house, go "Wooo!".



Staff member
It's a multiple choice poll, so you can choose as many as you want.

But it's messed up. Jazz has 2 votes, but if you look at the results there's more than two people there. Including me, even though I didn't vote for it :s


Junior Administrator
Ah, but given your click accuracy ratio how do we know that you didn't? :p

[16:01] *** BiG_D has quit (Quit: Bye bye!)
[16:01] *** BiG985 has joined #thehaven
[16:01] *** BiG985 is now known as BIG_D
[16:01] <BIG_D> oh noes!
[16:01] <BIG_D> Misclick!
[16:01] *** BIG_D is now known as BiG_D
[16:03] <DeZmond> heh
[16:04] <DeZmond> yeah should probably remove that link :)
[16:04] <BiG_D> I hit refresh :s
[16:04] <DeZmond> lol
[16:04] <DeZmond> remove that too
[16:04] <DeZmond> :p
[16:05] <BiG_D> I'll still mess it up!
[16:05] <BiG_D> You can't prevent user error!


New Member
Piacular said:
Aww, geez.

There's never a "funky gypsy jazz" option.

How dare you imply my music taste isn't good enough for your poll! :p

ermmm... that'll be under jazz or, if your pedantic, other then wouldn't it?


In Cryo Sleep
Taffy said:
ermmm... that'll be under jazz or, if your pedantic, other then wouldn't it?


You have Pop, then Pop Rock, and then Rock Nouvelle!

The Funky Gypsy Jazz is such a momentous collage of musical notes it cannot be contained as any mere sub-genre!


Junior Administrator
Sorry to be the smartass, but...

I'm not sure about this 'what' music you speak of. What does it sound like?

I'm sorry, I'm in a funny mood today. I keep saying stuff I think is funny. :p


In Cryo Sleep
I agree with BiG_D and Pestcontrol, and all the rest of you who said they hate genre-fying their music. I personally like all types of music, as long as its good. For rock theres Led Zeppelin, heavy metal has Maiden, Blur are the generals of poprock/britpop ... I like everything. I also believe/feel/think/KNOW that everyone likes everything. Nobody hates a genre, they just maybe like others more.
If any goth and heavy metal worshippers claim to me that they dont like dance/trance, they are lying. Likewise, if any technoheads proclaim to hate rock, they are lying. Anyone that says anything like that is in denial.


In Cryo Sleep
DeZmond said:
Sorry to be the smartass, but...

I'm not sure about this 'what' music you speak of. What does it sound like?

I'm sorry, I'm in a funny mood today. I keep saying stuff I think is funny. :p

Are you refering to Funky Gypsy Jazz?

How would you have me explain the sound to you? In terms of other genres? I could say it is like Jazz, but Funky, and with Gypsy overtones, but I feel you would still be lacking in understanding. How would you describe Classical music to someone who has never heard it?


Junior Administrator
No I was being a smartass and referring to the topic title, ie as if 'what' was a valid music genre. Sorry for not making that clearer! :)


In Cryo Sleep
Yes, well. You know there is a reason why you had to make it clearer, don't you :)

It's because you're insane :P