Too true Ghostwolf, in fact i hate the coined phrase "end-game". It's nonsensical, as is quite obvious, and as you say when you hit that point you just stop playing. I don't harp on about it as much as i used to, but Eve Online's skill system (training skills in real time whether logged in or not) and their addition of new skills every major patch means you can never truly "finish" the game. Hell, i have like 90million skill points and am still a long way from done.
Eve is an exception to a widely accepted "rule". End-game isn't literally the end of the game, merely "level-capped-content" - which doesn't flow off to tongue so well

End-game is often where most of the effort is put in with the RPG style MMOs, like WoW, WAR, etc. (both from the devs and the players). This is largely because it's the only point in the game at which people are at a level playing field. In Eve it's nowhere near as important to be level with one another, and in fact a lot of fights revolve around you NOT being level. I guess it would be like if you could only get new ships from L5s, and therefore you wouldn't be taking in fresh pilots, and you'd need them to skill up first. (I know, carebear example, but tsssk).
Either way, WAR needed end-game content, and it had none. There were so few people on each server after the first month when the freebies' game time ran out, that there was just no point logging on only to wait hours in a queue. They then merged servers a few months later, but it was a few months too late, and they needed to have anticipated the drop in subs after the free month.
I'd still be interested to see how things have progressed though, so I may take them up on the offer of a free month back then next time they throw it at me...