Why was I banned?


Well-Known Member
99% of them look to be modded avatars. A bit shit to permaban for that imo.


Staff member
Makes a whole lot more sense when you consider it's a ban for using a program to edit your profile.


Active Member
If you can freely mod your avatar you arent paying MS for custom bits and bobs. Ultimately it's a legal issue of bypassing their wallets and TOS.


Junior Administrator
You have certain parameters within which you can mod your avatar - going outside of those available parameters is considered as modding and therefore will result in the ban.

While I think a permaban for it is harsh, a suspension for a couple of weeks for a first offence would certainly get the message across...


Junior Administrator
Maybe i've missed something, but how are these people 'modding' theyre avatars, surely these are xbox avatars? or is this some games 4 live thing i've missed?


Active Member
Sounds like MS would rather met out punishment for the offences rather than take action to make the offences itself impossible.


New Member
MS should make it is so you can change the colour of your Avatar to anything at least that was it'll stop that modding. Other modding I can see why they would permanently ban you.


Staff member
Why should they? It provides a super easy way to detect folks who are modding, and a reason to remove them from the service.


Well-Known Member
Why should they? It provides a super easy way to detect folks who are modding, and a reason to remove them from the service.

Because not all of us read every line on theT&C's of a service?

I would argue that changing the visual appearance of your avatar is compeltely harmless. Indeed untill I'd read this thread I wasn't aware that custom avatars were clamped down on, and if I'd stumbled across a mod that let me change myself to a pink dragon lady I probably would have used it, completely oblivious to the fact it'd give me a ban.

It's an asinine reason to permanently ban people for. A warning and then a ban would be fairer. Reading though the "Why was I banned" link, most of the bans really make MS out to be the bastards, with the occasional stupid kid who deserved it.

But they'll get away with it because they use the work "hack" and we all know hackers are evil and out to steal our money.


Staff member
You don't need to read the terms of service to know that running 3rd party code with the goal of editing something you can't normally edit isn't going to be allowed.