WOO got Army posting!!!


New Member
Well, I have only one reason to post up on here: I got accepted for Army Work Experience! You know, I might come back with all sorts of tricks and tactics up my sleeves ;) Just thought I'd like to brag, and besides i'm bored. Nothing planned tonight :(


In Cryo Sleep
aaaaahhhh wkd dey accepted you wkd while ur ding that ill be dossing at my uncles in france hehe


In Cryo Sleep
army work experience? wow never knew something like that existed.
so are you actually thinking about joining the army? (bit of a stupid question but it had to be asked lol)


In Cryo Sleep
lol i think i can speak for him as i am 1 of his "m8s" he has a week work experience for the army because he really wants to join the RAF i think im not sure wat hes doing during the week tho, i was gona do it then i fort ...... nah im gona pass at that lol


In Cryo Sleep
If you want to join the RAF then you should get in the air cadets. My mate was in there for a good couple of years and he got to fly planes and fire a 9mm and all kinds of macho stuff. He also got his nose broken by a girl.


In Cryo Sleep
Well, they were doing some night exercise thing where you had to chase after somebody in a forest and grab a flag off their back. Well, my mate had this girl pinned on the ground and he was trying to get the flag off of her (or so he claims) so the girl booted him in the face with her army boots lol.


New Member
Well, it's for one week in June, and you get to do all kinds of stuff: Building shelters, fires etc. etc. You learn how to cook Army rations, navigate using compasses, maps and the stars (!), fire an L85A2 and at the end of the week you do an overnight operation! It looks pretty cool really. I'm also after a week in the RAF, which is looking at how planes work, how fighter control works, looking at different weaponary etc. etc. which also looks good. From now on, you may call me action man lol.


Active Member
Taffy said:
fire an L85A2

I thought the British army rifle is the SA80, not the L85A2. I was in the OTC at uni and seem to remember it always being called the SA80. (Although that was several years ago so I could be wrong). Good fun firing them though either way.

As far as joining the RAF goes, then good luck. My brother is in the RAF (navigator on Tornado F3's - jammy git :D ) and he's really enjoying it. I will warn you that it is extremely hard work and you should only go for it if you're totally comitted.

Also, Tetsuo_Shima is right about joining the Air Cadets. It gives a good grounding in the basic areas that will be very useful when applying to join the RAF. The same goes for joining a university air squadron when/if you go to uni (assuming the uni has a UAS).

Anyway, good luck and enjoy the work experience.


[mod]Fixed the closing quote block to include the required slash. Done by Ronin Storm.[/mod]


Ya, again without getting too technical, SA80 could also be used to describe the L86 or the L98.

Also by calling it with the L## means that you see the A2 instead of A1, A2 came about when the weapons were modified in 2002, removing the defects and jamming problems.

I've only fired the L98A1 (bolt action version) and that jams like a beast, but I guess that's because they didn't bother upgrading these rifles as their was little point.

(100th Spam Post :p )


In Cryo Sleep
i went to the army for my work exp. and i got taught to bulid a bridge n clear a mine field,then we had an exercise where wen u get cort u get interigated, i had to sing postman pat whilst i did press-ups lol pretty good, doing a stretcher race when a GPMG fires blank rounds at u is fun with smoke nades :D

and L85 is the SA80's real name and the L86 is a LSW which is a modded L85 (SA80) all it has is a longer barrel and a bipod.
both are uber wank, iv fired them both and both jammed really bad, and yes fishy the L98 is shite we have those at cadets and LSWs

also join ARMY cadets as air cadets is for girls lol the ARMY cadets do lots of field craft, shooting and lots of things to get your hands dirty, im a L/cpl w00t


On an even more hijacked thread route.
I heard firing blanks was actually pretty dangerous, as the shell breaks up as it leaves the gun, so at close range a blank is like a low-powered shotgun round, or a volley from a blunderbuss type thing.

So this makes me wonder, at close-range is a blank more dangerous than a real round (and I mean seriously close range) ??


In Cryo Sleep
blank rounds can kill at 50m :eek:

but if any of you have seen the yellow things that go on the end of the rifle in training those stop anything from coming out the end and also helps the gas parts so the rifle can fire full auto but with blank rounds, next time im on TS ill explain it because its loads to type well i actualy cant be bothered lol


New Member
Pubic_Warior said:
also join ARMY cadets as air cadets is for girls lol

Not true! I know many a hard man who goes to the Air Cadets. But I think that we can agree dat the Sea Cadets is the girliest! BTW gopha did u no dat riches went 2 da sea cadets wen he ws a wee young sailor boy?


In Cryo Sleep
I wouldnt be surprised if the pressure wave of a blank alone can be lethal when fired, say, in the mouth as people do to suicide, or very close to the head. It's still the energy of a high explosive you're catching, be it via a bullet or not.

The gun actually shooting scrapnel sounds strange to me, but i don't know how exactly blanks are constructed so who knows.

Apart from that, i like shooting games, but have a thorough dislike of real weapons talk and to some extent the military.

Guns are made to kill people, after all.