WOO got Army posting!!!


New Member
Yes, but handled properly, guns prevent death... quite ironic really.

Weapons can also be good... For example, the nuclear bomb (I know, strange example, but all will be revealed)

It ended the Sewcond World War, saving millions, and prevented another War between Russia and the USA during the Cold War... How many World Wars have there been since the invention of the nuclear Bomb???

Having said that, if the Iranians get hold of one, my argument will be turned upside-down... not to mention the world :eek:


Staff member
ooh, deep waters my friend. granted, guns prevent death from other guns, but that's about it, really. and the bombs that "ended ww2" - well, let's just say I'm fairly confident it would have ended anyway, without quite as much destruction.

re "no more world wars", yes, fine, terror balance works. but then again, so does plain old balance, without the terror. how did nukes prevent a war between russia and us? elaborate please, and give us some sources :)


New Member
I never mentioned UK, did I? If I did, I meant USA. They prevented War between East an West because both Countries knew that if they started a War, the other would use nuclear weapons, meaning retaliation from the other Country, which is what Mutually Agreed Destruction was all about.

Your other point about the bombs that ended WWII. The War would have ended, probably in 1946, with the extra deaths of millions of soldiers, sailors and pilots on both sides. I the long run, those bombs did create a great deal of misery, but the other arguement is that they saved a great deal more... Just some peoples views, i'm endorsing neither.


In Cryo Sleep
why are we lucky midgert? also I believe that all nuclear bombs should not be made because it just means that who ever has the most, rules the world tbh and thats america lol, also the nuclear bomb killed roughly a million people and you forget that its still killing people today, and japan was a dictatorship at the time and not the poeples choice to go to war!


Gopha I suggest you switch to threaded mode,
Midgert wasn't talking about nukes, he was replying to Gopha commenting that Taffy's going to be wrecked.


In Cryo Sleep
US bombing japan ended the war but also lots of lives, if that bomb hadnt have gone off then the war would of been long with the same ammount of people dieing as in the bomb blast. so either way people die


In Cryo Sleep
yer but narely any soldiers died in that bomb blast, but it did end the war so it aint all that bad


It may have ended the war,
but the "initial" price at least was unarmed civillians instead of soldiers.

(though it can be argued that an invasion of Japan would have cost major civillian casualties)


well I did my work experiance with The British Army at Arborfield with the RoyalEngineers it was great fun. Got to muck around with the lads etc I also had good standing as I was at the time colour sgt in the army cadets which really helped me out. But its a good week, we flew to wales (breckon) in a chinnock which was pretty cool (considering one week later all chinnocks got grounded due to cracked gear boxs)!!:eek:

But you will enjoy it. Do you know who you will be with and where?


In Cryo Sleep
The bomb did not end WW2, at the time it was deployed, the Japanese were ready to surrender, and Germany was defeated already.

Truman authorised dropping it on Hiroshima and Nagasaki because the war offered a unique opportunity to test two different designs, the effects of the bomb, and make a statement to the rest of the world. Without being made out for the mass murderer you really are.

Get my point? Dropping the bomb was one of the bigger war crimes of the 20th century.

OTOH, i'd agree nuclear kit and expecially obscure devices like the clean 100MT Царь-бомба are cool tech. Just not for use on people, thank you very much.


In Cryo Sleep
did anyone watch surviving disaster last night, that was sooo scary , they didnt have a clue about Chernobyl and the people working did not realise that radiation can travel through walls, only 1 guy knew what was going to happen and the soldiers who went into the radiated water were so brave, i am against nuclear activity at all!