Team Selection
It is now time to pick the teams for the World Cup Sweepstake! Since I don't have a velvet bag full of balls or a celebrity to draw them out (well, I do have D, but he's on the wrong side of the Atlantic) I'll be using this eye-socket corroding
generator thingy ma-dingy (upon discovering that the Chris Moyles one is from 2006). I'm afraid you're going to have to place faith in me that I'm not going to fix it or anything, I just hope I don't get Spain or Brazil to assuade any suspicions you might have
No, I'm going to put the names in the generator ONCE, press generate ONCE and that will be it.
We had 15 people voice an interest in playing, who will be entered first into the generator (not that it matters
when you are entered, o'course). To make things more fun (I hope), I've semi-randomly selected the other 17 players from the forum member's list, gauged on how interested I think they'd be (played in previous sweepstakes, is active, enjoys sport etc. etc.). If you aren't happy with being selected in this fashion then let me know and I'll replace you with the next name down the list.
Anyway, less chat and more selection:
waterproofbob - Nigeria
Nanor - Korea Republic
Macca - Brazil
T-Bone - Italy
Kateryne - France
thatbloke - Paraguay
Wol - Portugal
Panda with issues ... - Serbia
Twisto - Germany
Taffy - New Zealand
BiG_D - Ghana
Ashya - Spain
Skcornnelg - Uruguay
SgtFury - Australia
Tetsuo_Shima - Mexico
DocBot - Greece
Haven - Korea DPR
Ki!ler-Mk1 - Chile
KillCrazy - Cameroon
Wraith - Switzerland
Iron Fist - Algeria
Dezmond - Honduras
VibroAxe - Slovenia
elDiablo - Ivory Coast
Huung - South Africa
Psi - Argentina
Ronin Storm - Netherlands
Traxata - Denmark
Tingham - USA
Dragon - Slovakia
Gombol - England
Angelic - Japan
The first match, between my magnificent Mexico and Huung's stalwart South Africa, kicks off tomorrow at 15.00 BST! Let the good times roll!