World Cup Forum Game


In Cryo Sleep

can i put all my e-money on a draw please for the second match (e.g. like i did originally, but now i have more money :p). Dunno when the match starts (up at uni doing a show atm, so am just on phone atm!


Staff member
Match has already started, so nope!

In the future if you'd like to bet that way and might not be around between matches, just log your second bet as e$All and I'll put whatever you have at match start on the bet.


Staff member
So day one ends with a couple of draws. Wol wins big on the Uruguay/France draw, walking away with e$105 and taking a commanding lead in the standings after the much more conservative bets from everyone else.

Haven trusted the French with his entire budget, and as a result is now completely broke. Will he be able to strategically use his daily loans to get back in the game?

Day two gives you three opportunities to win (or lose) big, and as we learned today, anything can happen.

Wol			320
Traxata			188
Waterproofbob		136
thatbloke		111
Tetsuo			101.5
killer			87
Nanor			50
Haven			0
Panda With Issues	-50


Staff member
And here are the odds for Saturday. Things look pretty predictable, but are you willing to bet on it?
Match One
Korea Republic Win:	13/8
Draw:			21/10
Greece Win:		7/4

Match Two
Argentina Win:	4/9
Draw:		16/5
Nigeria Win:	13/2

Match Three
England Win:	1/2
Draw:		3/1
USA Win:	6/1


Well-Known Member
Match Two:
e$All on Argentina to win. Not including a loan.

Match Three:
e$25 on England to win. If I have nothing after Match Two then take e$25 as a loan. :)


In Cryo Sleep
Match has already started, so nope!

Fair enough. Wasnt sure what time it started so thought I'd try anyway!

So day one ends with a couple of draws. Wol wins big on the Uruguay/France draw, walking away with e$105 and taking a commanding lead in the standings after the much more conservative bets from everyone else.


And here are the odds for Saturday. Things look pretty predictable, but are you willing to bet on it?
Match One
Korea Republic Win:	13/8
Draw:			21/10
Greece Win:		7/4

Match Two
Argentina Win:	4/9
Draw:		16/5
Nigeria Win:	13/2

Match Three
England Win:	1/2
Draw:		3/1
USA Win:	6/1

As i might not be checking between matches, I shall do my bets as percentage of "budget".

%(100/3) draw, %50 draw %75 draw


Staff member
Stupid Frenchies ...

Anyway I'll borrow 50 of your dollars and go all out for an embarrassing English draw with USA.


Active Member
Loan e$50.

Match 1: e$10 on Greece to win

Match 2: e$90 on Argentina to win

Match 3: e$all on the England to win


Staff member
Korea easily takes Greece 2-0, and no one wins anything. Next match shortly!


Staff member
Here's the standings going into today's final match. killer and thatbloke have everything riding on England, while most everyone else pushes for a draw. Anyone in the standings with money to their name can still make bets on the match before kickoff.

Waterproofbob		136
Traxata			110.2
Tetsuo			103.7
Nanor			47.2
Wol			27
killer			0
thatbloke		-50
Haven			-50
Panda With Issues	-100


In Cryo Sleep
I shall do my bets as percentage of "budget".

%(100/3) draw, %50 draw %75 draw

I started off with $320 from yesterday....

I then bet 33.3% ( = $106.66) on korea - greece draw, which I lost, which leaves me with $213.33

I then bet 50% ( which now I'm down to £213.33 means a bet of $106.66) on argentina - nigeria draw, which I also lost. To my calculations, this leaves me with $106.66 going into the final match....

....Why am I now down to $27 going into the final match :S


In Cryo Sleep
I got both results wrong. Surely that means I only lose what I bet, and nothing more?

"If you chose the wrong outcome, you get nothing and your bet is not returned."


In Cryo Sleep
Ah, that makes more sense. I thought "going into" as meaning our pre-bet budgets going into the match as you posted a while before the match started/no bets would be taken, not the post-bet budgets just after we got into the match :p
