[Tech] Xbox Kinect


Active Member
I still can't see any situation where and 360 needs that much HDD space... it's not like it's a PS3 where installing a game can take up 15gb or so of space!


In Cryo Sleep
Additionally, I keep wanting to say "Connect 4" instead of "Kinect" - anyone else got that problem?

Yes. Its too much like "connect" for my liking. I'm guessing their intentions were something like kinetic..... hm.


Junior Administrator
you can install your 360 games to the hard drive on the XBox. That can take up a fair bit of space. Additionally, you can use it as a media server so that space could get used up nice and quickly :)


Active Member
How much is the new 250gb model gonna retail for though? I reckon you could build a media pc for less.


£200 ish says Play.com. I'd say that's a good ball park figure.

I'd consider getting the newer console for the whole "less noise", but then I remembered that installing my games to the HDD (which does take a fair bit of space, yes, thanks Mass Effect 2 on 2 DVDs) means that you don't have the disk spinning all the time, so that's really important.

I might get the Kinect for gesture based control of the console, but only when I start shitting money (which should be in 2 months!). Still, I might be surprised.

Also, new console looks like someone took a hammer to a regular 360 :(


Active Member
Nowt really, it's just microshaft trying to squeeze some more life out of the xbox 360 and your wallets.


Staff member
Yeah, because upping the specs and selling it for the same price is a total ripoff...


Lower power consumption, quieter drive (supposidly silent when playing DVDs and the likes...), smaller console. And yeah, as D says, for the same price it's nice for people buying a new 360 (if theirs died or they are getting their first one). I'm personally not going to be upgrading to it just yet as mine still works, Natal (yes, NATAL!) isn't out yet and therefore I don't know if it's worth getting (the new console has some kind of port on the back for Natal, maybe meaning that regular 360s will need an attachment via USB?).


Junior Administrator
I believe that the special port is able to connect it and provide power in one go - you'll need to provide it separate power to use it with the "classic" 360


Active Member
I read somewhere that the new range of HDDs isn't compatible with the old... meaning if you are buying a Kinect as an upgrade, you'll need to buy a (most likely microsoft own brand connection and highly expensive) usb kit to transfer any data.


You can use a USB stick (which they support up to 4Gb in size or something?) or use the HDD transfer cable (which plugs into the HDD and a USB port on the xbox and costs ~£20?). So you don't HAVE to pay for it, but it might be easier. Meh.


Staff member
Firstly, the Kinect is not the console. It's the motion attachment thing.

There are three options to transfer data: cable (announced for $20), USB stick, XBL download. I personally would think the easiest way to handle it would be to copy savegames and whatever else fits to a 16gb USB stick, and then just redownload everything else.

And finally, elD didn't mention that it has built-in wireless now.


...And finally, elD didn't mention that it has built-in wireless now.

True dat! Forgot about that. And that was the one feature I would kind of like with my console, instead of having a network cable coming from upstairs (I've yet to network-cable-ify my house).


In Cryo Sleep
On the same track of "what the fsck do you look like waving your arms around in front of a TV".....

the playstation move is really pushing the boundaries of interesting "games".......

Since when was light a "mysterious" thing ^o)