2012 media you're looking forward to

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Media Thread, 2012

The old thread was getting pretty out of date.

Anyone got any recommendations? Music, books, comics, anything really.

The media doesn't necessarily have to be from this year.


I recently read the latest Richard Morgan fantasy book (The Cold Commands) and Joe Abercrombie's latest, 'The Heroes'. Morgan's books are generally top, but I've been pleasantly surprised by Abercrombie's latest efforts. Best Served cold and The Heroes are both notches above his previous series, and have taken him from the definition of average, to actually really rather good.

In other news, there's recently been a Faber and Faber release of the complete works of Philip Larkin, and this really is a definitive edition of his work. It contains typed out and line marked notes from the original drafts and everything. Utterly fantastic.


Bit of a slow pace with comics at the moment.

I've being enjoying Elephantmen, but it's not completely outstanding.

The best thing I've read recently by a LONG way is King City by Brandon Graham. This is utterly UTTERLY mad, but as mad as it is, it is equally fantastic. Stylishly drawn, incredibly clever and thoughtful choices and uses of panels and pages, great wordplay. Just totally unlike anything I've read. Thoroughly recommended.

Music wise:

The new Lana Del Rey album is really bad. Just awful. Lyrically as deep as a puddle, and musically similar, though she has a decent enough voice.

The new Jack White solo album is fine (Blunderbus) if you like the white stripes (and you should) this is more of the same, but doesn't do anything different.

I've also enjoyed the Latest Black Crowes album, which is all new tracks 'Before the Frost' but recorded live. Great stuff.

I also picked up Oracular Spectacular by MGMT - Really solid album.

I'll do films another day. Been seeing A LOT.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I liked the last version of this thread and am surprised we haven't had a reprise for 2012 (or if we have, I've missed it).

In any case, using my high overlord powers, I bring you my current selection for 2012 and beginning of 2013, given we've missed a few months...


Beyond: Two Souls [PS3 exclusive, early 2013 release]

The Last Of Us [PS3 exclusive, early 2013 release]

Watch Dogs [PC & X360 & PS3, tbc]


Brave [UK: 17 August 2012]

Premium Rush [UK: 21 September 2012]

And yeah, sure, Skyfall, Expendables 2, The Bourne Legacy, and Dark Knight Rises.

What's on your radar?

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
So headhunters and martha marcy may marlene were the best thrillers I've seen in years. Damsels in Distress and Moonrise Kingdom the funniest I've seen in years. Dark shadows was a very average film, but shot nicely and I enjoyed it.

Films I'm looking forward to this year:

Matthew McConaghy(SP) against type, I.E not in a romcom.

The main guy in this was absolutely hilarious in 'The League', and this has been getting rave reviews.

After really struggling with Lars von Trier's Melancholia, I felt like this might be a very lighthearted look at similar material.

From, you know, when rap was good.

Looked pretty interesting

Looks far truer to the original source material, even if Jessica Biel hasn't made any memorable films ever.

Same guys that did the Paranormal Activity films, which were very good. Trailer is looking like standard fare, but with a dash of STALKER, hopefully it will hold together

Easily my favourite Don DeLillo novel, and one that seemed destined to be adapted for film, hopefully this turns out well.

Pretty much does what it says on the tin.

Greta Gerwig was awesome in Damsels in Distress, this might be worth a watch.

Suck on youtube videos, tl;dr non reading scumsuckers.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
If Oliver Stone can’t get anything out of Tim Riggins, I might give up.

In other media

Looking forward to this:
Out later this week for preorder.

In comics, I look forward to the conclusion of The Boys, and the continuation of Fables and Morning Glories, I’m also hoping for a reprint of Grant Morrison’s Invisibles, which I got the first TP, and then they promptly disappeared off shelves.

I picked up the latest China Mieville novel, which I expect will be awesome, as his last three have been very very good.

I’ve been immensely enjoying poetry by Leonard Cohen, and Don Paterson.

Paterson’s Landing Light, is fantastic, and I’m looking forward to reading ‘Rain’ and ‘God’s Gift to Women’ which I’ve also acquired.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Wow, that was all so... readable! :D

Also, I like the look of Total Recall; I suspect that it has a chance to be as fantastic as it perhaps was intended to be originally now that special effects have caught up with reality.

Also, Killer Joe looks excellent but I suspect it may be too disturbing for me. I'll dispatch Rojaws to check it out first.


In Cryo Sleep
God Bless America is a goddamned good film. It's essentially me with an illness.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
As I've already mentioned, I quite like the look of Revolution. Post apocalypse without zombies but with some indication that somebody actually knows what started it all... dunno, just catches me right.

Samcks hugely of the underrated Jericho (well, the first series anyway).