2142 friendly against BLiTZ



I suppose if we're gonna agree for no field upgrades (as it seems I've been well and truly given the smack down on that point) the easiest (but hardest to monitor) way would be to make sure that squad leaders don't issue orders! Does mean that the other team could cheat and not tell us they were giving orders but surely they could all just go on the server beforehand and unlock all field upgrades if they wanted.. Anyway, I don't see that it makes too much difference since I have most of the upgrades that I like already!

When are we gonna talk about tactics and stuff? Is there a time and where does it take place? In fact, am I actually joining this discussion or sitting behind elD while he discusses stuff... I apologise for my noobity but it can't be helped :D


In Cryo Sleep
Considered going wireless Tetsuo?

Considered it, yes, but shot down the idea before it even took flight. I've only ever heard bad things about wireless - lag, security, cost, complicated setup etc. We tried to set one up in our house before between my bro's laptop and our old PC, which failed miserably.

Unless of course you mean wireless broadband, which I'm interested in looking into. However, I have heard that it is quite expensive.

No, I think I'll forward the long cable idea at the moment.


Well-Known Member
I use wireless, although I'm plugged directly into the modem. My father's computer seems to have no problem with disconnects, lag etc. although it is an absolute pain to set up!!

Back on topic: Quite looking forward to this, actually! :)


Junior Administrator
Get urself a lynksys wireless router plug it into ur modem and the setup is very simple
no too expensive well worth it.
over the summer i had wireless through 2 floors as router was in the lounge and my old room was in the loft. i could get a very nice signal even still, had about 70% signal strength which is fairly good. The security is very easy to setup and very secure. as long as your wireless card and ur router are reasonable u will not have too much problem with lag etc.


In Cryo Sleep
If we was playing conquest it would hands down be camp but since we are playing titan Shuhia or Suez canal


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Wireless is fine nowadays Tetsuo. It's come along way. I am using it (wireless router with wireless built in the laptop and a wireless card for the desktop) and having no problems at all. :)


I had wireless for about 2 months on BF2 and it was horrible, ping suddenly shooting up.... connection hanging when maybe a little interference happend!!

I really don't like wireless for FPS!! Many of my friends had the same problems, i am now hardwired into my router... so so so much better!!

Um yeh i am also looking forward to this 2142 match, i got zellar unlock blah blah, and just in case i have medic reviver uber tool for assault kit!!



Junior Administrator
Wireless for the win. Decent harware ie go for linksys always.
and if u set it up as is says on the tin then it works fine. As long as its setup correctly u shouldn't see too much lag provided ur not miles from the access point of course, as if ur struglling to keep the connection then ur pings will suffer drastically.


In Cryo Sleep
I got wireless nad bf2 was an absolute pain. Any and everytime i flew in a jet i would get a "there is a problem with your connection" waring would come out of the lagg and be flyin nose first into a large tree. Me bouhgt a massive ethernet cable which sorted though so :D Wireless ftw!



The 21Meg 1.05 patch is to be installed for the match on Thursday. The server is already patched, so you have to have it to play!

Thanks for listening, and ta to Piacular for pointing us to the lovely patch, and ta to Nanor for making me check this :P


Oh yes Decky you did exactly the same as i did... massive cable tacked up on my outsude wall, down to the router... Wired FTW!!!!!



I use wired and wireless :D

I'm wired to my router at the moment (for uber small pings to the router), but I also have a wireless adapter just in case I want to connect to a wireless network.

Windows hates me :)


Of course there is space Wraith! The more the merrier!

However, the crash to desktops that the latest patch has achieved is a little worrying, and it will be VERY annoying for everyone to drop when the titan explodes. Speak to panpanTom, he's gonna talk to BLiTZ, and see what they want to do. One suggestion has been that if not patch is released we just have a BF2 friendly, and do the 2142 when the next patch is released (which hopefully shouldn't be too long...).



That would suck for those of us who don't have BF2... suppose I'm probably the only one though!


Active Member
Erm, I forgot that I've got something on tomorrow night so I won't be around to play. Whoops :eek:


RIGHT! Tonight:


To fix the crashing when the titan explodes, the server has to be set to one round per map (don't ask me why...). Therefore, we will be playing Verdun and Suez Canal and 2 other maps (that BLiTZ will choose). Enjoy.


Active Member
Aside from their uber accurate voss/carbine spam.

That was a good game, id do it again if we had some practice with organisation.