2142 friendly against BLiTZ


Junior Administrator
Sorry about my general connection probs guys, tres annoying.
By the sounds of things you could have done with my equally annoying accurate carbine spamming. Anyhoo never mind.

hope u guys got an alright game in the end.


Dare I ask what the score was? Extremely annoyed me and ElD couldn't play, maybe next time, though tbh at the rate we're going with the internet we'll probably never get a decent connection! Anyway, sorry once again and glad to hear it was a good match!!


Yeh they def new how to exploit the gun system.... vos it seems!!

Um game was ok, but eating diner through first one!! And also we really need to have briefing and set up squads with strong solid leaders who don't get killed too easy... I think also not enough defib medics, we lost alot of tickets this way

But yeh twas ok, could have been better, they were a very avarage clan

If that was BF2... we would have slaughtered them
