3.2 and level 60 raiding; the beginnings of a plan!

Would you be interested in participating in this level 60 raiding?

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Well-Known Member
For people who haven't spotted this in the news for the next patch yet, there is going to be a feature whereby at any point before reaching 80, you can go to certain NPCs in-game (I believe they will be located at the Battlemasters in any given city), and can pay a fee of 10G to disable experience gain from all sources. You can pay the same fee a second time to re-enable it.

This opens up several possibilities including more intense twinking and the like, but for me, it opens up one potentially very fun possibility that I have on-and-off longed for since partway through Burning Crusade: the ability to properly run level 60 raids once more.

If enough people are interested, this could become a fun supplement to our existing raid activities; on nights when there is no main guild raid going on, people could instead log to level 60 characters with experience gain disabled, and properly run the Vanilla WoW content, with a few steps taken to ensure that it remains challenging and fun rather than impossible or a faceroll.

I've though on it a little bit, and decided that if there is enough interest, then I will launch this as a project shortly after 3.2's launch. It wouldn't be anything particularly strict or hardcore like raiding was back in those days, since the entire point is to have fun and gain a sense of achievement. To that end, there would be some restrictions to ensure a decent level of challenge, something like this:

  1. No gear obtainable from Outland and Northrend content, including green BoE drops
  2. No Heirloom gear; even if it might be weaker than some gear of the level, it's still an unfair advantage, and it wouldn't be as fun if all the people of a given armour class are wearing the same shoulders/chestpiece
  3. Heavy restrictions on the number of Death Knights; a few WOULD be allowed, but it wouldn't be any good if everyone rolled a DK and used them. Also, any DKs present would be forbidden from using Anti-Magic Zone, and Anti-Magic Shield would be for tanks only. Death Grip might also be banned in certain circumstances (and by the same note, all pushback moves would have to be glyphed to not do so).
  4. No TBC or WotLK craftable gear or consumables, apart from pre-Outland Jewelcrafter-made gear, and glyphs
  5. No enchants from Burning Crusade or later, apart from the old AQ enchants that were updated for late Burning Crusade. No spellthreads, no TBC armour kits, etc
  6. Nobody over level 60, at all.

Also, because of the fact that some of the old crafted gear has been boosted, many instance-dropped pieces of gear were re-statted to be better than they used to be, and the fact that class chances have left us stronger than in Vanilla WoW, other steps might be taken to try and keep us in a "sweet spot"; something like doing Zul'gurub with 15 people intead of 20, for example.

This isn't anything hard and fast or set in stone, it's just rough ideas that I hope can develop into something to enjoy.

For some, this could the chance to truly experience level 60 content they never got to see, and we'd be doing it in a fashion as close to the way that was originally intended as possible.

For others, this could be a refresshing change: old-school tactics, co-operation, learning your class's capabilities in the context of the encounter, careful use of abilities like crowd control, and no mindless AoE-spamming through trash.

For other still, this could be an interesting experiment in theorycrafting, seeing as at level 60, you can JUST reach the bottom of a single talent tree if you spent no points in another tree; would you spec all the way down, or mix between trees? Can you make your class work in the context?

If people have comments or ideas, feel free to shout out. And if you'd be interested in joining up for this if it does go ahead, say so on the poll! If there's sufficient interest in-guild that we could just grab friends from other guilds and possibly just some competent randoms from around the realm to fill in the gaps, then we can go ahead with it.

Well... here goes!


Well-Known Member
Level 60 content is 25-40 man. We don't even have 25 men raids going, and trust me some of those instances were harder than anything you are trying now so a pug group is pointless.

That aside, I've had 160 days or so in BWL and MC and ZG and AQ, so count me out.. sorry.


Well-Known Member
I know they were hard. I was there as well, I saw first-hand a guild break up over Razorgore (they needed a 40th person as a DPS, I knew on of the guild's MTs, they grabbed me in desperation... and trust me, considering how Umbrator was then, it was really borderline desperation). I did ZG, AQ20, MC. I helped a rogue in the guild farm UBRS almost daily for a few weeks to get him the chestpiece from Draki. I KNOW what it was like.

But you needn't be all doom and gloom about it. It's not going to be some shambollic PuG doing it solely for the reason of killing bosses and getting purples. It's a plan to try and give people a taste of the old raids as they were intended, a chance to have a different kind of raiding to play with and have fun with. It won't be as difficult as it was back then because of the way classes have changed, because of the way the old gear has been redone, because of the way some core game mechanics have changed.

I can understand people who did the stuff to death back then not wanting to do it again (I myself am not totally enthused with facing Osirrian the Unscarred as a level 60 again, but I'll do it if I'm with friends). But please refrain from trying to tear it down by calling it pointless.


Well-Known Member
We cleared Razorgore on the first night and BWL within a 2 weeks on a 3-nights-per-week rota (prior to Horde having any aggro control, I was the 2nd highest DPS'er), but hey.. what do I know about raiding.

You are right, it won't be anywhere near as hard, because of paladins. Alliance was EZMode back in those days for that exact reason, so you might be ok. GL anyways.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

Pure, unadulterated, mindless yeah!

One question, though, regarding the timing: ideally, when would you plan on getting started? I ask because I would have to level up a character to 60, and I'm not the fastest leveller in the book. :D

(Well, either that or I get to be one of the DKs, and seeing as mine is still stuck at level 58, but is fully rested, meaning I'm sure I could get to 60 very quickly. :))

I'd also like to add, for the general readership, that we're all sensible folk and this is a for-fun side engagement. It will in no way detract from the ongoing effort to build and develop a proper 25-man level 80 raiding team.



In Cryo Sleep
Like Zoog, I would also need to get a char to level 60 in order to do this (and I want to). I think I might go and continue leveling my Hunter, who's now at level 30-something.


Well-Known Member
I need to get a character to 60 as well, as would most people thinking about this; we're all in the same sort of boat in that respect.

I can't give a timeframe now for when we'd be able to have a stab at, say, Zul'gurub, but if people make their ways to 60 on alts, and stop experience there when they reach it, they can do 5-mans and maybe even UBRS until enough people have caught up. Everyone levels at their own speed, so this is truly untimeable.

That said, I would like to venture a guess as to being able to try -something- round about two to three weeks after 3.2 hits.

Even before we're remotely ready, if I know there's going to be enough interest, I will use one of the two sub-60 alts I have to form a seperate guild so we can have a guild bank for storing reputation hand-ins, specialist quest-related items, BoE set drops, crafting materials, whatever.


In Cryo Sleep
I´m Marqo his little brother for the ppl who do not know.
My brother told me this and it will be funn i think so i want to ask you something.
Can i join the 60s if you are going to do it?:)
Than i can lvl with my brother i think that i'm going to lvl a Paladin, Druid or priest.(Priest will be holy if i'm going for priest)( pala will be tank or healer)(Druid will be Feral(tank) and realy maby resto).

i hope i can join you. (if you think it is ok say it to marqo he wil say it to me;)).


In Cryo Sleep
Just rolled a paladin as its one of the 4 classes I've not played extensively, I think if we can get a few groups of 2-4 of us leveling together then the grind to 60 would be much easier :)


Well-Known Member
I´m Marqo his little brother for the ppl who do not know.
My brother told me this and it will be funn i think so i want to ask you something.
Can i join the 60s if you are going to do it?:)

Sure thing, mate; this is open to anyone who wants to join in and can fall within what we as The Haven have come to expect from people; reasonable behaviour and a friendly attitude, which I'm sure won't be a problem for anyone.

Also, to clarify on a point since Marqo asked me this in-game earlier today (I was AFK so didn't see the question for about an hour...): I've said that there'd be no heirloom gear in the raids, but do feel free to get and use the stuff to level up. Levelling up fast is only going to be good for getting lots of people up to level quickly, and after that, you can use the Heirloom stuff on other characters, or for any solo stuff (and maybe 5-mans) you do at 60. It just would be a no-no for raids, and for anything significant in 5-mans (Tier 0.5 upgrade stuff or Dire Maul Tribute runs, for example), as it would be breaking the feel and the spirit of this venture.


Yeah baby! Im up for this 100% however i do think that it would be a good idea if everyone posts what class they will be levelling so we dont all end up with priests or huntards and then be knackered for groups :)


In Cryo Sleep
Yeah baby! Im up for this 100% however i do think that it would be a good idea if everyone posts what class they will be levelling so we dont all end up with priests or huntards and then be knackered for groups :)

Good call. I'm intending to use my Warrior (now lvl 10 and loaded with heirlooms) for this. I've already got a lvl 52 epic 2hander for him as well.


Cool cool well just to let you all know i have rolled a shaman ... Not sure what spec im gonna be yet but will keep you all informed :)


Super Moderator
Staff member
Would REALLY love to. Only thing I worry about is if I can manage to get a character to 60 and keep it there without wanting to head-desk along the path of levelling.


I would be up for this. I have a lvl 28 Shaman that I will use when I return. Ill be resto @ 60. The only question/concern I have is about having full raids, even for 20 man.


Well-Known Member
My current plan is to use my shammie, likely as Elemental. I will consider getting rid of my lock or second hunter to make room for another alt if certain roles need fulfilling, though.