3.2 and level 60 raiding; the beginnings of a plan!

Would you be interested in participating in this level 60 raiding?

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Well-Known Member
I've heard a lot of arguements against using Paladins or Death Knights, and whilst I will impose restrictions on the number of the latter, I have no issue with the former; sure, WE didn't have Paladins in Vanilla, but they were around. And let's face it, us being level 60s in Wrath means that some elements of balance are all shot to hell as it is.

I know some people want to play Paladin in this because they're not had a Paladin before and would like to give it a go, so that's totally fine in my view. As for DKs, the only one I know of so far is Zooggy's one. Anyone else who wants to be a DK will have to ask nicely and reason it well :p


Active Member
Also as for people freekin out about the talent trees? maybe u forget just how little of the talents we had back then? dont moan about not having the latest and greatest if at that point mages were using there wands for half the fighs!
Gid, I'm finding your lasting distaste towards my person just a little bit unfair and improper... Also, I think you missed the point in the said part of my earlier post. I did not whine about missing most powerful talents, I was merely concerned about breaking important synergies without which some classes/specs might not work properly. It's entirely an issue that can be dealt with, however don't put something I didn't say into my mouth, thank you very much.



Well-Known Member
Looks like we're going to be having one less raid to do, come 3.2.2, on account of the Onyxia's lair revamp. This sadly means we'll be unable to do one of the most classic encounters and won't be able to get the Tier 2 helms.

However, it was a single boss in a single raid that's a 40-man and would've taken a while to get at anyway... I don't think it's too great of a loss, and besides; we'll be getting Onyxia as level 80s!


In Cryo Sleep
Erm Angelic i have no problems with what you said and scary enough actually agree with you on a lot of points...(never thought id say that) to get this thing off the ground will be tricky in "many" ways but if its gonna work people will need to be positive and work out the issues, this isnt personal little man! its factual, suck it up and talk about the facts , which are as i already stated that bitching doesnt help and start looking at ways around the problams we will face...thats all im saying ! dont take things so personaly.

also dont worry about me putting things in your mouth....your not my type fella x


Well-Known Member
Hey, :)

A question: will you allow glyphage?


In short: yes.

In long: yeeeeeessss..... mostly.

If we find any game-breakingly good glyphs for that content, we'll say no to those ones.

Oh, and glyphs that remove knockback effects from spells that have them will be mandatory if people want to use those spells.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Ahey, :)

Right. My DK has reached level 60 and I've capped his XPs. Right now, he's Unholy DPS, but I can respec at any time.



Well-Known Member
Ahey, :)

Right. My DK has reached level 60 and I've capped his XPs. Right now, he's Unholy DPS, but I can respec at any time.


One thing I would ask of your DK is that you try to replace all his start-zone gear, since... well, it's just a tad powerful for its level (I believe it's more or less equivalent to Tier 2 for other classes? Something like that, at least). We can look more closely at that soon.

Just to try and get an idea of how it's looking, how many people are parked at 60 so far?


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Hey, :)

One thing I would ask of your DK is that you try to replace all his start-zone gear, since... well, it's just a tad powerful for its level (I believe it's more or less equivalent to Tier 2 for other classes? Something like that, at least).

Er... with what, exactly? Want me to go questing for gear in the Plaguelands? :D

But seriously, fair enough. When we start doing level 60 instances, I will gradually downgrade my gear.

If it's even a downgrade, that is. As for the power level, from what I've seen from comparing with the first few green drops in the Outlands, I'm convinced that it's more or less equivalent to old endgame dungeon blues, anyway. (All the items are blue level 70 items.)

There's several pieces of Tier 2 or equivalent that don't get replaced until, like 67, or so...



Active Member
Gid, it may not have occured to you, but I wasn´t bitching, I was merely stating problems that might need to be dealt with. That is a vital part of any discussion.

Ari, my lock is 48 and when I get back home next Sunday I´ll give her one more big push that should over couple days get her to 60. Can´t say for sure, but I think Wednesday should be a safe bet.


What do we do about onyxia? she drops nice loot but the T2 helm... I would like to organise some boosts just to get the helm. it wouldnt be allowed to take anything from her exept the helm. What do you think about this?


Active Member
Well... This would require rushing to 60 asap which many people wont be able to do and potentially spoiling the 60 progression no-boosting style of experience we are after... But I see your point, it would be very shiny indeed to get the headpieces, I´d like one very much myself :) I think I´m in, when I level up to 60.


Junior Administrator
Staff member
Onxyia you can 3 or 4 man... so if you had your characters ready you could run them in let them get 1 hit die and loot :D assuming lower levels would be let in.


In Cryo Sleep
Ok started my new pala and just had a thought.. how battle ready are we aloud to make our characters...?? if theres is no boosting aloud from mc or ony then are we looking to get people in full 0.5 because it used to be the prerequisit for 60 raiding at the very least, and we all no the gear at 60 is not very good before BC which we arnt aloud to use so....full blue set? or what?


New Member
Strat/Scholo/DM gear should be good enough for ZG and AQ 20, which are most likely where we will start out.


Well-Known Member
Ok started my new pala and just had a thought.. how battle ready are we aloud to make our characters...?? if theres is no boosting aloud from mc or ony then are we looking to get people in full 0.5 because it used to be the prerequisit for 60 raiding at the very least, and we all no the gear at 60 is not very good before BC which we arnt aloud to use so....full blue set? or what?

Gid asked me this on TS yesterday, and I'll give the response here in case anyone has queries; aiming to have mostly/all blues would be a good idea. The Tier 0 (aka Dungeon Set 1) is a good thing to go for, although I know some of the crafted greens are awesome as well for certain classes.

Don't feel like you have to get an 80 to boost you repeatedly through instances or raids; it'd be very much against the spirit of this endeavour if someone turns up in full Tier 1/2 having been boosted by a higher-level to get a full set, so I'd ask for people to avoid doing that.


Well-Known Member
Strat/Scholo/DM gear should be good enough for ZG and AQ 20, which are most likely where we will start out.

You do know MC & Onyxia was out before those existed right?

You want vanilla, you run UBRS to gear up ;)


Well-Known Member
Dungeon Set 1 pieces started at level 52 for the belt, up to level 58 for the chest. Item level was generally required level + 5, so 57-63.