Well-Known Member
I've heard a lot of arguements against using Paladins or Death Knights, and whilst I will impose restrictions on the number of the latter, I have no issue with the former; sure, WE didn't have Paladins in Vanilla, but they were around. And let's face it, us being level 60s in Wrath means that some elements of balance are all shot to hell as it is.
I know some people want to play Paladin in this because they're not had a Paladin before and would like to give it a go, so that's totally fine in my view. As for DKs, the only one I know of so far is Zooggy's one. Anyone else who wants to be a DK will have to ask nicely and reason it well
I know some people want to play Paladin in this because they're not had a Paladin before and would like to give it a go, so that's totally fine in my view. As for DKs, the only one I know of so far is Zooggy's one. Anyone else who wants to be a DK will have to ask nicely and reason it well