4 Video Game Complaints We're Just Going to Have to Get Over

Narly Bird

New Member
Narly Bird:
I'll happily clarify anything I've said in this thread; however asking me to defend an argument I've never made is absurd. (tldr: http://games.thehavennet.org.uk/showpost.php?p=132844&postcount=35)
Pretty pathetic response there BD. You wouldn’t actually want to address my points, would you? Kudos to Huung though for trying to lighten things up. I agree that the thread needed it. I will now take my leave of this thread. Farewell gents.


New Member
I guess we can't get over these '4 Video Game Complaints'. I was less worried about the 2nd hand problem and more concerned with all the child molesting it causes :|... and devil worship. Defiantly gonna pirate if that's where the industry is going.


In Cryo Sleep
I guess we can't get over these '4 Video Game Complaints'. I was less worried about the 2nd hand problem and more concerned with all the child molesting it causes :|... and devil worship. Defiantly gonna pirate if that's where the industry is going.

i read somewhere on the internet that software piracy funds terrorism because terrorists copy the films and give them out for free.... and film piracy will kill cinemas and fill them with dusty dead people that watch blanks screens and then disappear.


In Cryo Sleep
Spot on. In the same way that the casette tape killed the music industry a few decades ago....

oh wait.


Staff member
Pretty pathetic response there BD. You wouldn’t actually want to address my points, would you? Kudos to Huung though for trying to lighten things up. I agree that the thread needed it. I will now take my leave of this thread. Farewell gents.

Oh man. Calling someone pathetic and then ragequitting a thread is a viable strategy? This changes EVERYTHING. :mad:

Seriously though, as I've said three(?) times now, you're arguing against points I have never made but you've attributed to me anyway. I'd say it's perfectly understandable I have no desire to address that...


Active Member
you're arguing against points I have never made but you've attributed to me anyway. I'd say it's perfectly understandable I have no desire to address that...

Is "never made" the same as "do not feel/agree with" and you're not claiming they're falsely attributed to you, only that you didn't yet state them :p

Dont take this as a stir, just a clarification, i have avoided this discussion thus far.


Staff member
Sure, but how can you know what I think without asking? Forgoing that and instead telling me what I think is ridiculous.


Well-Known Member
That's the difference between THINKING and KNOWING.

You THINK you're sexy. I KNOW you're delusional.


Well-Known Member
I never said I think it, just that BiG D does. Whether BiG D is delusional is a matter for debate... :p


Well-Known Member
Whether BiG D is delusional is a matter for debate... :p

Aye, but it's going to be a fairly short debate...

"Does anyone disagree that Big D is delusional? Nope? Right, that's that settled then. Get another round in."