Adventures in THN!

Ronin Storm

Staff member
One might say that literature is food for the mind and poetry food for the soul. Sure, a riddle isn't quite poetry but it turns out to be quite nutritious despite.

+2 health.


Ronin Storm

Staff member
[mod]For you threaded users, pulled this back to the top following from thatbloke's input.[/mod]

> Go West, where the grass is green.

As the door creaks slowly open, a horrific scene unfolds, causing you to reel backwards in horror. What was once an ordinary dormitory now has been transformed into a site of mass destruction... overturned beds, dirty towels, an inscription: "NaNoR wAz HeRe!!lol" elaborately pasted onto the wall in an unspeakable substance. The noise can be heard to the east.

You are standing in the North Dormitory. To the east is a bathroom, and to the south is the exit to the hallway.

From elsewhere, a groaning sound grows a little louder, as if a great mass of, well, something is approaching slowly yet steadily.
