Aliens: Colonial Marines


Staff member
Aside from the fact that the author either doesn't understand how to use apostrophes or has no knowledge of the source material, that interview pretty much confirms the overall feeling the RPS guys have had.

He doesn't seem to get a lot of the basics of writing, but who cares when your review is first, right?

From what I'm hearing, the game is another Duke Nukem Forever. Perhaps Gearbox needs to endeavor to never ever license anything ever again ever? The embargo is up at four in the morning, so I guess we find out then?


Active Member

It’s pretty telling that it’s when you’re just shooting men in corridors that it’s its most passable – you slump into the muscle memory of it all and pass the time. It’s every time an alien comes on screen that you know unfair deaths, dreary, repetitive combat, and broken code is coming to the front.

Yes, this is now official canon, but no, you don’t want to know it.


Well-Known Member
I think that's actually part of the game where if you stay still they can't see you.


Staff member
Well yeah, if they knew someone was watching them walk like that they'd die of shame.


Active Member
The fact the torchlight is being shined in his eyes is no clue????

I've read they are blind. Apparently that level receives the most consistent praise in reviews too though. I have no idea what the canon reason for the blindness is. The RPS review said there's a cliffhanger ending meaning well, no point playing if theres no hope of an answer, I wonder if they will cancel the DLC.