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Active Member
Fi$hy said:
Yes but don't forget Pubic want's to be a squadie.

To him, the 2 men off is more important in winning the battle, winning the war comes later :)

But if the two men will be that important to the battle, the likelihood is that they would continue fighting. Then, when (and only when) the enemy were all dead, captured or run away, they would tend to the wounded. Let's face it, the first rule of first aid is to make sure the area is safe before tending to casualties. Bullets flying past your head don't count as "safe" to me. :p

Therefore, the only real effect on a battle of shooting an enemy soldier, is to reduce the number of guns pointing in your direction. Like I said, it's the subsequent cost that hits the hardest.



Ok a slightly related question. We all know weapons have got more effective, but are they more effective at killing or is it just wounding?

For example out of total casualties, what proportion were actually KIA instead of wounded in ye olde battles? (and even more recent ones, like waterloo)

My example being the American civil war. The first "modern" war, at the battle of Gettysburg, out of a total of 21,000 CS casualties, only 3,000 were actually killed. Is this typical of all warefare? has the KIA/Wounded ratio decreased or increased since the move away from sword and shield?


Staff member
If we're making comparisons from such a large scale of time, medical technology will probably play just as big a role as the weapons involved.


In Cryo Sleep
All force weapons that can kill, will, when more randomly aimed, be more likely to wound someone. The only exception i can think of are biological weapons where you either get infected and die - or not. All bombs have far larger wounding zones than kill zones, the ratio in terms of area will be roughly the same regardless of the size of an explosion.

Fuzzy Bunny

China's army (zergling rush! kekekeke)

If you're talking about a war where everything in a country's arsenal comes into play, however, I'd wager on the country that has the most nukes/WMDs, or the country that has the most cruise missles, ICBMs, SCUDs, etc.

Being able to hit a target from almost anywhere = win.


New Member
Pubic_Warior said:
and the SA80 is shit as is the LSW, both jam and i know iv fired both.

But what version did you fire? What type of SA80? L85A1, L85A2?

C'mon mate, you know our weapons are some of the best weapons in the world.

Challenger 2 spanks the M1A2!


New Member
Fine, we'll just hide behind our Apache Longbow Attack Helicopter!

It can destroy your anti-aircraft missile launchers way before they can lock on to our choppers! :p

But I don't want to fight the Swedish, the Scandinavians/Vikings are the second-coolest race on Earth, after the Celts of course :D


Staff member
...shame that the hellfire missiles have half the range of the BAMSE... so you're right, apart from that it's the other way around. Boom goes the chopper.


In Cryo Sleep
Did you know cheese as the right viscosity and structure to absorb any amount of force even when applied in thin layers?

Dutch army owns j00!


Junior Administrator
If that was true I would still be king of the world. But since my cheese fortress was invaded and I was dethroned, that's clearly bunk.

And anyway, the following is a statement of undisputed fact:
DeZmond's army of irritating little sisters owns j00!


In Cryo Sleep
They'd own me if i let them near me, maybe.

What cheese was your fortress made of, Dez? Fromage de Campagne? :D


In Cryo Sleep
C'mon mate, you know our weapons are some of the best weapons in the world.
yes our weapons are fit when they dont break, but with an AK you could have a dead rat in it and it would still work its just silly, iv seen somthing on TV where they buried it in sand, ran ir over, drowned it and it still works (docbot could probably find it on the net somewhere, he is good at things like that)
the best weapon is a reliable weapon as one day it may save you life (if you see it that way)


In Cryo Sleep
This thread has slightly turned into 'My countries army is better than your countries army'. Need to look at the facts.


Staff member
Gibsonfire said:
This thread has slightly turned into 'My countries army is better than your countries army'. Need to look at the facts.

There are no facts of "which army is better". All spec ops have extensive training and good equipment, for example. What you can say has already been; [Army] = [amount of troops] x [training] x [equipment]. And then it's China and the ol' US.

of course, when cheese enters the picture, all bets are off.


In Cryo Sleep
Mon dieu, je suis jusqu'à ma tête en brie!

Problem is, they'd get some pain and eat all the brie before it drowns them.
If you want to drown the french, flood them in chauvinism.


In Cryo Sleep
well..... what about japans army, is there one any more or isit just tiny, doenst japan have a high population density?
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