Am I the only one who really likes the new way EA are handling things? I've almost forgave them for 2142...
If their European pricing of Rock Band holds, I'm very much not going to like them at all.
Am I the only one who really likes the new way EA are handling things? I've almost forgave them for 2142...
If their European pricing of Rock Band holds, I'm very much not going to like them at all.
New trail released:
I like the character customisation bit. That's one of the bits we pay for, though, isn't it?
Now there is a last ability I want to talk about, because it really is my favorite. Going by the name Blasting Strike this ability is probably the most chaotic, and responsible for some of my favorite moments so far while developing and play testing Heroes. Simply put, blasting strikes allow the Soldier to take all nearby enemy troops, vehicles, and empty vehicles and move them elsewhere. Elsewhere may be defined as 'a few feet that way' or, "How did that tank get up there?" At first this ability was a hard sell to Mr. Salt. I believe the moment when he first saw the method to my madness was somewhere between crushing three enemies with a tank, and throwing a jeep into a passing spitfire plane.
Eurogamer said:DICE bigwig Ben Cousins has said there will be no big release for Battlefield Heroes, but rather a closed beta to expand so much that "every hardcore gamer in the world will probably be able to get a key if they want to".
Eurogamer have a hands on with Battlefield Heroes.
Roughly, they enjoy it but there's a bunch of stuff not yet implemented and kinks to iron out. That said, they seem fairly confident that such things can be done and they like the core of the game.