As expected, I got spanked in this game, and it was probably the dullest game I've had all season from that perspective.
3-0 to lebe. There was absolutely nothing I could do to defend against his AG5 leap blitzer, and concomitantly his AG5 catcher, especially with a depleted roster.
Lebe played fine, making few errors, though he got a bit of a scare when he was faffing around at the end of the first half before scoring, and I took the ball off him, attempting a long throw to get it to safety, but failing the catch. Lebe's block dice were great, and he had KOd 4 of my players by the end of the first half (a lot by fouling). Second half I didn't have enough players to stop him scoring, and concentrated on trying to get some injury spp on my team. Unfortunately, though I did kill one of his relatively unimportant players, it was via a foul, and so didn't generate any useful spp.
The ensuing kickoff, a bug ensured one of my best players disappeared from the game, leaving me further depleted, and of course this was a perfect time for Lebe to get a blitz result on the kickoff, resulting in a third score. I finally managed to KO some of his players, but as I was going for a consolation TD, I chose to try a handoff with RR to a blitzer who needed a TD to level, rather than just taking the TD, which predictably failed. That blitzer then leveled anyway via MVP, meaning I'd essentially just thrown away 3SPP.
The only good news in this game was that after it was clear I was going to lose (basically after turn 3, or TBH, not being entirely facecious, before the game had even started) was I managed a pass with a lineman to get him to level up.
He promptly rolled a second double six, leaving him unskilled, but S5. He's now clearly the most valuable player on the roster, and should be a real asset as the team moves forward.
I'm probably eliminated from playoff contention now, but the final two games look far more competitive, against a nurgle team and an amazon team, both with similar TVs to mine. 2 wins might still put me in contention, but it would entirely depend on other teams.
Games (played rather than admined) vs elves: 0-0-3
Games vs non elves: 3-1-1
I think I've only played maybe 1 game all season where my team value wasn't equal or significantly lower than the opponent's, and maybe only one game against a team significantly less skilled than my own, which generally suggests a few basic things:
My team isn't skilled enough.
My team certainly isn't skilled enough to deal with elf teams with much higher TVs.
Hopefully the crunched cup, for non playoff teams will develop my team a little further, and allow them to give it a better shot next season.