Lucius and I played out a tough 1-1 draw. He was suffering from a lack of skills on his saurus, and a few injured players. I gave away a whopping 420,000 in inducements, meaning he could afford to hire a merc kroxigor, a star player saurus and a merc skink.
After a tough first half drive, lucius finally managed to score with some skink trickery on his turn 8. I consequently tried to farm spp with a quick pass in my turn 8, but managed to make A HANDOFF instead of a pass, meaning i didnt get any. This idiocy was to continue, and cost me the chance at a win.
Second half started with a horrendous riot, which left 2/3 of each team stunned on the turf. Neither myself or lucius were sure what to do about this. I suppose it actually favoured the Coffin Dodgers, as I was able to use my crap players (Zombies) to tie up his more expensive, but not very agile saurus. The greater amount of space on the pitch left me able to use my mobility to score a relatively fast TD, or at least, I thought it was fast, but i thought the second half went by really quickly, maybe the rioting fans took time off the clock? Not sure. Maybe we were just so flabberghasted by the result of the kickoff roll. Without a lot of time left on the clock, lucius recieved the ball after an awful kick by my werewolf, who left the ball further back in my own half than the spot it was kicked from...
Lucius set up to push for the win with a very (I would say overly) aggressive front, and pushed his skink up to the front line of saurus. I pulled a werewolf around the back and blitzed, taking the ball off him, using a reroll to pick it up. This was where my major mistake of the match occurred. Having already used my RR that turn, i needed to make a gfi roll to get in range of scoring in my final turn, i decided against it (not realising the turn i was on), and cost myself the chance of a win when lucius put the only other player I had in range of the endzone on the turf.
Lucius' front line was REALLY tough with the krox and star saurus, but the skills (block and guard) on my zombies made it really difficult for him to capitalise on his strength advantage. He did a relatively good job of protecting his skinks throughout the game, only losing one to an injury I caused, with his other injury a failed dodge.
Low SPP all around. Needs validation.