Blood Bowl L2 Week 7


Well-Known Member
Would Wednesday work better for you, Dragon? I can do later, on Thursday, but if that could be a problem for you after work then we might otherwise miss our slot.

I'll try to be there on thursday as of right now I'm not quite sure about wether I have time on wednesday.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Okay, sure thing Dragon. Thursday, even pretty late, is just fine with me. I'll get on Steam for 22:00 UK time so just give me a shout when you're ready.


Junior Administrator
And the High Elves beat the Orcs a total of 2-0 (needs verifying :))

It has a fairly hard game with even a spectator in our midsts (Huung) watching all the action. Some might say that all these elves probably have a high concentration of troll blood in them. With 7 games played and only one linesman getting a death (clearly the runt of the team) and only having lost against the dwarves who have probably the ultimate skill set in elf stopping power...

We'll see how they fare against the onslaught of goblins between now and when they come up against probably the only team who are their equals the Storm Heroes...

Kat seemed to come into how almost all of my opponents have so far in this league with one of the unluckiest streaks of rolls possible (there was quite a few double attacker down rolls and even a couple of both downs against my Blodge Blitzers). I don't know how those elves manage it but they are incredible at putting enemy players down on their faces.

Oh... Yeah... My catchers have both levelled up again and some more SPP has been peppered around the rest of the team.. I could really do with a +1 Strength Modifier on my blitzers I think :rolleyes:


Active Member
Yeah i cant see myself moving from bottom of the league so a warning to all i play from now on - i just wanna kill your good players :)

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Worth noting that a patch has just been released on Steam (and elsewhere, I assume) for Blood Bowl: LE so be sure to get that downloaded in advance of your next games.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Lucius and I played out a tough 1-1 draw. He was suffering from a lack of skills on his saurus, and a few injured players. I gave away a whopping 420,000 in inducements, meaning he could afford to hire a merc kroxigor, a star player saurus and a merc skink.

After a tough first half drive, lucius finally managed to score with some skink trickery on his turn 8. I consequently tried to farm spp with a quick pass in my turn 8, but managed to make A HANDOFF instead of a pass, meaning i didnt get any. This idiocy was to continue, and cost me the chance at a win.

Second half started with a horrendous riot, which left 2/3 of each team stunned on the turf. Neither myself or lucius were sure what to do about this. I suppose it actually favoured the Coffin Dodgers, as I was able to use my crap players (Zombies) to tie up his more expensive, but not very agile saurus. The greater amount of space on the pitch left me able to use my mobility to score a relatively fast TD, or at least, I thought it was fast, but i thought the second half went by really quickly, maybe the rioting fans took time off the clock? Not sure. Maybe we were just so flabberghasted by the result of the kickoff roll. Without a lot of time left on the clock, lucius recieved the ball after an awful kick by my werewolf, who left the ball further back in my own half than the spot it was kicked from...

Lucius set up to push for the win with a very (I would say overly) aggressive front, and pushed his skink up to the front line of saurus. I pulled a werewolf around the back and blitzed, taking the ball off him, using a reroll to pick it up. This was where my major mistake of the match occurred. Having already used my RR that turn, i needed to make a gfi roll to get in range of scoring in my final turn, i decided against it (not realising the turn i was on), and cost myself the chance of a win when lucius put the only other player I had in range of the endzone on the turf.

Lucius' front line was REALLY tough with the krox and star saurus, but the skills (block and guard) on my zombies made it really difficult for him to capitalise on his strength advantage. He did a relatively good job of protecting his skinks throughout the game, only losing one to an injury I caused, with his other injury a failed dodge.

Low SPP all around. Needs validation.

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Thatbloke VS waterproofbob
Dragon VS Ronin Storm
Ghostwolf67 VS Velaphor
Gombol VS DoctorD

Are the games still to be played this week.

We are at the exact mid way point in the league.


In Cryo Sleep
I think my front line my have looked intimidating but turned out to be a rather damp squid, and no where nearr as violent and dangerous as the crowd that rushed the pitch at the start of the 2nd turn.


Junior Administrator
Just played bob, despite a valiant early surge and some excellent dodging in the second half (especially considering that most of his dwarves negate my Dodge skill) I lost 2-0...

In addition, 6 players badly hurt, and at least 5 in the KO bin towards the end of the match too...

will need verification if not done already


Junior Administrator
bobrek assumed that as their faces were all green and covered in nasty marks that the goblins wanted to be violently smooshed to put them out of their misery. This was later revealed to not be the case and one of the trolls was particularly offended by some of the ugly jokes made by the troll slayers. So much so he decided rather than attempting to silence the dwarven pair he got all upset he sat on the pitch being really stupid for the rest of the half.

2-0 final score to the dwarves. Burtrekson was intentionally allowing other players to get some points and recognition by letting them carry the ball. However to ensure he still got some lime light he still managed to get 4 SPP somehow. Some nerd in an anorak yelled at him as he wandered off the pitch that he had got enough fantasy point to be level 4. He wasn't quite sure what that means however he did find that once he got back to the dressing room he now knew how to strip balls more effectively.