Junior Administrator
bobrek assumed that as their faces were all green and covered in nasty marks that the goblins wanted to be violently smooshed to put them out of their misery. This was later revealed to not be the case and one of the trolls was particularly offended by some of the ugly jokes made by the troll slayers. So much so he decided rather than attempting to silence the dwarven pair he got all upset he sat on the pitch being really stupid for the rest of the half.
2-0 final score to the dwarves. Burtrekson was intentionally allowing other players to get some points and recognition by letting them carry the ball. However to ensure he still got some lime light he still managed to get 4 SPP somehow. Some nerd in an anorak yelled at him as he wandered off the pitch that he had got enough fantasy point to be level 4. He wasn't quite sure what that means however he did find that once he got back to the dressing room he now knew how to strip balls more effectively.
About my trolls... the only way they are ever going to get SPP is by sm00shing people in the face.
After 7 matches, one has 4SPP, the other has 0SPP.
They spent the best part of the second half of yesterday's match standing around or laying down being stupid, DESPITE having team-mates nearby every time they made the roll (giving them a +2, meaning they would only fail it on a 1...).
I could have scored an early TD, had my pogoer not been smashed to the ground, but when he's being hit by someone with Block AND Tackle, that means that 3 of the 5 outcomes on the block dice will result in him being knocked to the ground...
In addition, the game did admirably well in managing to reconnect after bob disconnected - bob was being affected by the internet troubles that a large number of people seemed to be having last night, and dropped at least 3 times - each time the game was able to reconnect within the 5 minute timer and resume as normal