Blood Bowl League 2 Sign Up thread

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
This will be open this week.

This is the official sign up thread for THN's second blood bowl league.

Please provide:

Cyanide Coach Name:


Steam name (if possible)

We will set up the actual league on cyanide ASAP, but we need to know how many players will be entering. The details will be up as soon as possible.

New TV1000 teams please.

[mod]Added sign-up summary table. --RS[/mod]

Player Name		Blood Bowl Name		Team Name [Race]
===========		===============		================
Panda with issues...	Panda with issues...	tbc [Necromantic]
thatbloke		thatbloke		tbc [Goblins]
Ghostwolf67		Ghostwolf67		Gallpeak Facemaulers [Norse]
Ronin Storm		RoninStorm		Storm Strikers [Human]
BiG D			doctord			tbc [tbc: Vampires, Norse, Dwarves]
Aggamemnon		Aggamemnon		tbc [tbc: Necromantic, Skaven, Lizardmen]
Gombol			Gombol			Tomb K1ngs [Khemri]
Kateryne		Kasatka			tbc [Orcs]
Dragon			[THN]Dragon		Speedfreakz [Skaven]
lucius101		Lucius101		The Lustria Rampage [Lizardmen]
waterproofbob		waterproofbob		tbc [Dwarves]
Traxata			Traxata			Trax's Twerps [High Elves]
Huung			Huung			tbc [Wood Elves]
comrade_phil		Comrade_phil		Spike-a-thon [Lizardmen]

That makes 14 players with a racial distribution of:

Dwarves x1 (+1?)
Goblins x1
High Elves x1
Humans x1
Khemri x1
Lizardmen x2 (+1?)
Necromantic x1 (+1?)
Norse x1 (+1?)
Orcs x1
Skaven x1 (+1?)
Wood Elves x1


Well-Known Member
Coach Name- Ghostwolf67

Team- Norse (Gallpeak Facemaulers)

Steam- Ghostwolf67

We'll post the rule sets we'll be using later on today but for now we just want a show of hands and what team you'll be rolling with :)

Dont worry too much about race now.
Put down multiple choices if need be and dont be discouraged if the race you had your heart set on is taken. We can work that out later right now what we want is you.


Also as an aside for anybody whose still sat on the fence because they havent played alot of BB and dont know where they stand, i'm free every afternoon to help people get their bearings with the game. Dont worry i'm a soft target :) PM me if interested.

Ronin Storm

Staff member
I've added a table to the first post to summarise the players and teams so far. People are still a bit up in the air on who is playing what, which is fine, so don't read much into the numbers of particular teams. Sure, if everyone plays Dwarves then we'll intervene, but otherwise...

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
I've added a table to the first post to summarise the players and teams so far. People are still a bit up in the air on who is playing what, which is fine, so don't read much into the numbers of particular teams. Sure, if everyone plays Dwarves then we'll intervene, but otherwise...

or wood elves or undead.


Coach: Gombol

Race: tomb kings (not sure what they are called in game, but the egyption skeletons)


Active Member
Cyanide Coach Name: Kasatka

Race: undecided, but something smashy like orcs or ogres.

Steam name (if possible): lord_kasatka


Well-Known Member
If its LE sign me up plz (didn't figure out wether it is LE or not)

Coach: Ashkendar
Race: Prob. Skaven
Race Name: announced later
Steam: will be handed out via pm, don't want to announce it in public (spam protection ;) )


Active Member
my steam name is Kasatka, that might be it. i dont have an ID set on my profile, tried to set Kasatka but it's already in use.