So while we tally up the numbers of the interested and you guys think about what teams you'll field, i'll put out the preliminary rules and regs.
The Teams.
Entry lvl teams
Minimum team points value= 850
Maximum team points value= 1000
All teams applying for entry to the league have to be newly created with no previous matches played.
We know many of you are practicing hard and as a side effect lvling up your characters and upping your teams pts cap. To stop nasty game imbalance where a vet team stomps newer ones we need all teams to be on a similar footing at the start of the league so have to insist that any teams put forward be pitch virgins.
The Fixtures
Games will take place on a once a week basis with a christmas by-week.
Once all teams are entered and everything is a go the league will begin by allocating your week one rival. The allocation is random but you will never fight the same opponent twice. You then have one week to sit down for an hour at some point with your opponent and fight your heart out. After a week the standings will be updated (usual win=3 points, draw=1 point and loss=0 points) and then your next opponent will be chosen for week 2.
If in unfortuate circumstance your opponent is unable to appear or you cant make a match i will have the power to force a draw/forfeit on whomevers behalf. We kept the number of forced results down to a minimum last season and i'd hope to do similar this time.
This will be a one division league.
Unlike last time where it was a first foray into the murky world of blood bowl, this time we want this league to be a bit more persistant and give everyone a chance to play everyone else.
Therefore there will only be 1 Division, the top 4 players of this at the end (who have the most points) will be entered into the playoffs for the trophy.
Bare in mind.- With numbers unconfirmed still (signup ends the weekend) we still dont know how long the league will run but as we have 10 people so far we are looking at a minimum of 10 weeks (1 player vs 9 others + chrimbo bye-week = 10). We are expecting at least 2 more.
This is pretty much double the time of our last league (though i'm reliably informed still considered 'short' by online league standards.) Just want those playing to have a firm grasp of what we're up to here
The Match Itself
The standard turn based game of 16 turns of 4 minutes each will be played under cup rules
The other bits
We now have extra inducements!
These are as follows
Fair Play
Wizards- Cast nasty spells at people who you hate
Cheering Fans- Gives you power for wizards to use spells more often
Rioting Fans- Sabotages your enemies attempts at getting wizard power
Wandering Apothecaries (standard)- Are you a bit squishy? You may need to hire an extra doc
Foul Play
Bribe the ref (standard)- You didnt see nuthin
Bribe a player- Your players are incredibly loyal to you... but they are more loyal to money.
Bodyguard- They cant bribe your lvl 5 prize catcher if they die before they get there
Extra Training
Extra re-roll (standard)- For anyone who needs better luck. Aka me
Bloodweiser Babes- They serve booze so the unconcious people will be back to the fight in no time
Bad habits- Sabotage an enemy team ahead of the game and cost them a re-roll
Halfling Master Chef- A jerk who cooks delicious food.
Potion of Strength- Made from freshly squeezed Ox
Potion of Speed- Doesnt actually enhance you but gives the illusion of being chased by something larger and more menacing than you.
I got my eye on you- Call in the fuzz to bust up some shady doping player!
Max lvl for characters= 7
Number of Apothecaries allowed= 1 (the number didnt go any higher)
Max Fan Factor= 18
Max number of re-rolls allowed per team= 8
Max number of cheerleaders allowed per team= 10
Kick off events= yes
Star players able to be bought= yes
Training before match= no
Equipment= no
Extra Inducements= Yes
We talked about equipment and training. I say talked. We laughed at training. It sucks. I'd rather have my players miss games for reasons other than me having bad reflexes.
Anything i've missed out Panda and Ronin i'm sure will amend