Blood Bowl League

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
OK, so currently Blood Bowl is £8.79 or something on Steam, which is about as cheap as it will ever get. Taking this into account, I have purchased it, and Ghostwolf and I have been discussing (quite animatedly) running an online casual semi-persistent league.

So this is a call out.

Who already has BB and would be interested in this?

Who would be interested in taking part for the paltry sum of less than 9 pounds?

Ideally we'd have about 9 players or so, with teams representing each race, but it's not like it would be crippling to have less. The league would easily be run with six ish as well. The game offers all the facilities to run this kind of online league as standard I believe.


Active Member
Bought it yesterday cus ghostwolf said it was good, havent played it, tbh not even sure what its about :)

Though about doing a thread like this relating to serious sam HD coop, as its £5 atm for both, meh i spent £12 thursday, and when i saw they changed it i had a mad angry shake.


I woul be happily to buy this but I don't think I have the monies in my bank :( maybe I'll get it when I get me benifits In... If it's still on offer then...

Ronin Storm

Staff member
Re: Bllod Bowl League

I played Blood Bowl in the way back when it was originally released as a boardgame. Fond memories of sending my brother's team to the wounded pit after some mid-game brutalisation.

I guess I really can't turn the game down, though, if both Panda and Ghostwolf are picking it up... :p

Panda with issues...

Well-Known Member
Re: Bllod Bowl League

Gombol. I'd be happy to get it for you now when its on offer, then you give me the money back when you have it. I have a paypal account.


Well-Known Member
Re: Bllod Bowl League

Seems i have got panda hooked on it without much resistance hehe. Truth be told its a really simple but very effective game with alot of play in it. There are some seriously hilarious aspects to it and the game does include some great new elements and the online league system works very well.

Think if we can get 4+ peeps it'll make this very interesting indeed.


Re: Bllod Bowl League

Gombol. I'd be happy to get it for you now when its on offer, then you give me the money back when you have it. I have a paypal account.

Normally I would say no, but I'll love you forever if you do x3 wanted it since it came out but never really had the monies.. I should be able to pay back in the next couple of weeks if that's okay for you ^^


Re: Bllod Bowl League

Sadly I'm out almost all day today, helping my sister recuit for cadets and then going out for my mothers hen night.. So won't be able to play untill tomorrow :(


Re: Bllod Bowl League

I wish I could play tonight :p bloody promising To go out x3

guess we need to set up an offical legue ^^


Active Member
Re: Bllod Bowl League

I was waiting for this to be in a sale anyway thanks for pointing it out. downloading now but steam is being rubbish so taking an age.

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Re: Bllod Bowl League

Does somebody want to create a THN Blood Bowl steam group? I don't have many/any THN members on my Steam. D:

Dr Drae

In Cryo Sleep
Re: Bllod Bowl League

Good point, well made.

D: I needs invitage. :/

Account name is strife840

=_= I hate having inherited an account. Still, free gaemes. XD


Junior Administrator
Re: Bllod Bowl League

The THN group is set to invite only.

Ah yes, this was done a little while ago as we started getting a huge amount of spam. My steam id is waterproofbob, either add me as a friend or post your steam names and I'll chuck invites to whoever wants one.


Well-Known Member
Re: Bllod Bowl League

Spent the last few hours poking around in the league set up system. Seems like it'll be a breeze to do and as long as we iron out what rules we want from the start it pretty much sets it all up for you.

Sling us an invite to the group when someone has time pls.

Two things i should mention for beginners. The tutorial is... unhelpful. At best. At worst its downright lame. Do it anyway but then just jump in and mess around in a few one off matches. The rules become apparent fairly quickly.

Also listen to the commentators for a few matches and then turn them off. While funny the first few times the repetition is eventually like a drill in the brain.